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The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media

door Nathan Jurgenson

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752367,299 (3.75)1
With the rise of the smart phone and social media, cameras have become ubiquitous, infiltrating nearly every aspect of social life. The glowing camera screen is the lens through which many of us communicate our experience. But our thinking about photography has been slow to catch up; this major fixture of everyday life is still often treated in the terms of art or journalism. The author, a social theorist, develops bold new ways of understanding photography in the age of social media now that many new kinds of image have emerged: the selfie, the faux-vintage photo, the self-destructing image, the food photo. These new visual forms - and the devices and platforms that facilitate them - have remade the world and our understanding of ourselves within it.… (meer)
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in my opinion this should be required reading for everyone who uses the internet, which is to say, everyone ( )
  i. | Dec 22, 2023 |
Close to giving this the full 5, fascinating throughout and has made me rethink some of my beliefs about social media. Don't agree with everything Jurgenson states, but it's all eloquently argued. ( )
  arewenotben | Jul 31, 2020 |
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With the rise of the smart phone and social media, cameras have become ubiquitous, infiltrating nearly every aspect of social life. The glowing camera screen is the lens through which many of us communicate our experience. But our thinking about photography has been slow to catch up; this major fixture of everyday life is still often treated in the terms of art or journalism. The author, a social theorist, develops bold new ways of understanding photography in the age of social media now that many new kinds of image have emerged: the selfie, the faux-vintage photo, the self-destructing image, the food photo. These new visual forms - and the devices and platforms that facilitate them - have remade the world and our understanding of ourselves within it.

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
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