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The Flight Girls (2019)

door Noelle Salazar

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4901352,083 (3.95)3
A stunning story about the Women Airforce Service Pilots, whose courage during World War II turned ordinary women into extraordinary heroes 1941. Audrey Coltrane has always wanted to fly. It's why she implored her father to teach her at the little airfield back home in Texas. It's why she signed up to train military pilots in Hawaii when the war in Europe began. And it's why she insists she is not interested in any dream-derailing romantic involvements, even with the disarming Lieutenant James Hart, who fast becomes a friend as treasured as the women she flies with. Then one fateful day, she gets caught in the air over Pearl Harbor just as the bombs begin to fall, and suddenly, nowhere feels safe. To make everything she's lost count for something, Audrey joins the Women Airforce Service Pilots program. The bonds she forms with her fellow pilots reignite a spark of hope in the face war, and-especially when James goes missing in action-give Audrey the strength to cross the front lines and fight for everything she holds dear. Shining a light on a little-known piece of history, The Flight Girls is a sweeping portrayal of women's fearlessness in the face of adversity, and the power of friendship to make us soar.… (meer)
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1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Charming, but forgettable WWII love story with some historical female badassery. ( )
  clay1914 | Sep 22, 2024 |
This book grabbed my attention purely by the title and front cover. This is the first book written by Noelle and it was brilliant. She divides the book into three sections, leading her main character Audrey through WWII. The book starts off in Pearl Harbor, in which Audrey is a civilian contractor training pilots. She meets a man named James who is a second main character in the book. The second and third sections take place in Texas as Audrey is in the Women Airforce Service Pilots and Ferry Command. Throughout the book Noelle does a fantastic job of putting the reader in Audrey’s shoes and bringing them into the story. I shed tears twice while reading this book. This book will stay with me for a long time. The book sheds light on women in the army and their contributions to the war effort here at home as well as how badass women can be. Loved this book and I will be recommending this one for a long time. Noelle is a fantastic storyteller and I’m anxiously looking forward to reading more from her. ( )
  dabutkus | Sep 4, 2022 |
Another well researched work of Historical Fiction. Flight Girls is the story of women pilots who help ferry aircrafts so US soldiers can be relived. These women fight to be recognized as true pilots but the Army and most men do not give them the credit of being true professionals.

This novel is definitely one of empowerment for the Greatest Generation to the grandchildren. ( )
  Gingersnap000 | Aug 6, 2022 |
Although this was a work of fiction, the book was based on the actual program. This book was both enlightening and inspiring for the most part. There were some glaring mistakes: Lake Grapevine was not there until the 50's and radios were the source of news, not television.
With that aside, I did enjoy the rest of the book. Audrey met James in Hawaii in 1941 while she and 3 other women were part of a program training pilots. The book is written in the first person with Audrey being the narrator. The rest of the book deals with Audrey, her friends and the WASP program. When James is listed as MIA, Audrey goes looking for him. ( )
  travelgal | Feb 13, 2021 |
This very heartwarming war-torn love story is a beautiful endearing tale that radiates the strength and power that deep bonds of friendship can bestow upon us during times of war.

To put it simply, The Flight Girls knocked my socks off. Blending the history of the inception of the WWII WASPS, the sisterly comraderie between a group of the bravest women known in the 1940's, and a love story that readers will be frantically rooting for, this top-notch historical novel will grab you and not let you go.

I found the depth of friendship and love that the female pilots shared together as they confided their hopes and dreams to one another through the worst years of World War II, the best part of the book.

The history of early aviation for women was fascinating as well as disheartening due to the way the military treated them, but..history is history and we can't change that!

As for the love story, I will only say it is a very, very, sweet one and I will let you fill in the blanks yourself when you read this 5 star novel! Don't miss this debut from a shining new author in the realm of historical fiction. Clap clap clap.. standing ovation!! ( )
  vernefan | Jun 4, 2020 |
1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used.
--Eleanor Roosevelt
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My father once said, when my mother was pregnant with me, it felt like I was fluttering inside.
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A stunning story about the Women Airforce Service Pilots, whose courage during World War II turned ordinary women into extraordinary heroes 1941. Audrey Coltrane has always wanted to fly. It's why she implored her father to teach her at the little airfield back home in Texas. It's why she signed up to train military pilots in Hawaii when the war in Europe began. And it's why she insists she is not interested in any dream-derailing romantic involvements, even with the disarming Lieutenant James Hart, who fast becomes a friend as treasured as the women she flies with. Then one fateful day, she gets caught in the air over Pearl Harbor just as the bombs begin to fall, and suddenly, nowhere feels safe. To make everything she's lost count for something, Audrey joins the Women Airforce Service Pilots program. The bonds she forms with her fellow pilots reignite a spark of hope in the face war, and-especially when James goes missing in action-give Audrey the strength to cross the front lines and fight for everything she holds dear. Shining a light on a little-known piece of history, The Flight Girls is a sweeping portrayal of women's fearlessness in the face of adversity, and the power of friendship to make us soar.

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5 17

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