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Nighttime Symphony

door Timbaland

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812342,219 (3.75)Geen
Baby falls asleep to a thunderstorm in the city, where all of the sounds blend together into a lullaby.
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Toon 2 van 2
This was my second read through of this book. I'm glad I brought it home with me in the midst of all this social distancing, because I am finding myself giving it a higher rating than I would have initially given it.

Music and rhythm can be found anywhere and in this case, it can be found in the city during a storm. The lightning and thunder, the water rushing down the gutters and in the roadways. It's a great look into city life than some readers have never experienced.

Christopher Myers is the illustrator and his credibility helps Timbaland's offering fare well. As you all know, I can struggle with celebrity written books ;) ( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
While the premise of a storm and the sounds of nighttime being remixed into a song is an interesting concept, I do think it fell short of the mark. The digitally rendered illustrations by Kaa and Christopher Myers is beautiful and the text has a lyrical melody. The narrative overall, however, does not wow me. One of the biggest issues with the book is on the front cover, where Timbaland's name is so large is can be mistaken for the title. It is confusing, makes it look like a work of ego and not a work of joy, and the illustrators are written underneath in small font almost as if they're irrelevant. ( )
  EMiMIB | Jun 26, 2019 |
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Baby falls asleep to a thunderstorm in the city, where all of the sounds blend together into a lullaby.

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
3 3
3.5 2
4 1
5 2

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