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Without a Trace

door Mel Starr

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444591,026 (3.54)1
"Lady Philippa, the wife of Sir Aymer - a knight of the realm - disappears while travelling from her husband's manor to Bampton. She and her maid are travelling in an enclosed wagon, whilst her husband and his grooms and a squire are mounted. When the party arrives at Bampton Castle neither the lady nor her maid are within the enclosed wagon: they have simply vanished. As the disappearance may have happened while the travellers were on Lord Gilbert's lands, his surgeon and bailiff, Hugh de Singleton, is assigned to discover what has happened to the lady. Has she been taken? Her has she fled her husband? A few days later her husband receives a ransom demand, and Hugh is named to deliver the money. Why him? The ransom is paid, but the lady is not returned. Can Hugh help find her, or is it already too late?"--Provided by publisher.… (meer)
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1373 and Lady Philippa Molyns is travelling from her home in Coleshill to Bampton. Escorted by her husband and his retinue. But on arriving at Bampton Lady Philippa and her maid have disappeared. Sir Hugh de Singleton is instructed by Lord Gilbert to investigate.
This standalone story is an enjoyable easy to read mystery, with its likeable characters.
A NetGalley Book ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
Hugh de Singleton is pressed into service by Lord Talbot, his boss, to find the wife of a knight who has disappeared while journeying to Brampton Castle. Since this is Lord Talbot’s home and the disappearance took place on his land, he feels responsible to discover what has happened to the lady. So, Hugh is tasked with tracking down the missing woman and her maid. They were both seen entering the covered wagon and had men on horseback nearby the entire trip, but upon arrival at the castle both women were gone.
Hugh’s investigation uncovers several unsavory characters who could be responsible from gang members out to rob or kidnap anyone who can be ransomed to bishops or sheriffs who are looking to line their pockets with a little extra currency. While investigating, Hugh makes sure to relate to his readers what he eats, his conversations in Medieval vernacular, as well as coming across one or two who need medical care so he can practice his surgeon’s skill. Hugh has a chance to beg off his investigation but wants to see it through to its completion if possible. He is determined to solve this puzzle as he continues to process over and over again the various clues he has found.
In my opinion, the story was slow moving. The mystery didn’t bring forth much tension or need from me to figure out who the culprit was and what happened to the disappearing lady and her maid. That said, however, I did still enjoy reading about Hugh’s interactions with his family and cohorts who help him track down clues. His musings on humanity and its foibles are always interesting and entertaining. I am looking forward to what mystery Hugh gets himself involved in next time. ( )
  lamb521 | Jan 6, 2020 |
Expecting the wife of a local noble, Lord Gilbert is dismayed when Philippa Aymer's cart arrives in Bampton without its cargo. When a ransom is paid a couple of days later but the lady not returned Lord Gilbert asks his bailiff Hugh to investigate.
Mel Starr's books are very consistent, the reader knows what to expect. The crimes are not written in a graphical way but are interesting enough but the key here is the insight into the everyday life in medieval England. Here there is a contrast between academic life in Oxford and the rural life in Bampton and it works very well. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Nov 1, 2019 |
Without a Trace by Melvin R. Starr

The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon #12

Coming into this series on book twelve may not have been the best idea. I never really became invested in Hugh, his family or any of the characters. The story was told from Hugh’s viewpoint and felt a bit stodgy to me with him telling what happens but without any oomph. It may be that if I had read the previous eleven books I would feel differently. This is a reminder to myself not to pick up series so far along. The book description is sufficient to indicate what the story will be about. There are a few medical issues Hugh the surgeon has to deal with, some family interaction is mentioned and then there was the sleuthing.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lion Hudson (Fiction) for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Sep 20, 2019 |
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"Lady Philippa, the wife of Sir Aymer - a knight of the realm - disappears while travelling from her husband's manor to Bampton. She and her maid are travelling in an enclosed wagon, whilst her husband and his grooms and a squire are mounted. When the party arrives at Bampton Castle neither the lady nor her maid are within the enclosed wagon: they have simply vanished. As the disappearance may have happened while the travellers were on Lord Gilbert's lands, his surgeon and bailiff, Hugh de Singleton, is assigned to discover what has happened to the lady. Has she been taken? Her has she fled her husband? A few days later her husband receives a ransom demand, and Hugh is named to deliver the money. Why him? The ransom is paid, but the lady is not returned. Can Hugh help find her, or is it already too late?"--Provided by publisher.

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