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Diamond Doris: The True Story of the World's Most Notorious Jewel Thief

door Doris Payne, Zelda Lockhart

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1113253,892 (3.29)5
Biography & Autobiography. True Crime. African American Nonfiction. Nonfiction. HTML:

In the ebullient spirit of Ocean's 8, The Heist, and Thelma & Louise, a sensational and entertaining memoir of the world's most notorious jewel thief—a woman who defied society's prejudices and norms to carve her own path, stealing from elite jewelers to live her dreams.

Growing up during the Depression in the segregated coal town of Slab Fork, West Virginia, Doris Payne was told her dreams were unattainable for poor black girls like her. Surrounded by people who sought to limit her potential, Doris vowed to turn the tables after the owner of a jewelry store threw her out when a white customer arrived. Neither racism nor poverty would hold her back; she would get what she wanted and help her mother escape an abusive relationship.

Using her southern charm, quick wit, and fascination with magic as her tools, Payne began shoplifting small pieces of jewelry from local stores. Over the course of six decades, her talents grew with each heist. Becoming an expert world-class jewel thief, she daringly pulled off numerous diamond robberies and her Jewish boyfriend fenced the stolen gems to Hollywood celebrities.

Doris's criminal exploits went unsolved well into the 1970s—partly because the stores did not want to admit that they were duped by a black woman. Eventually realizing Doris was using him, her boyfriend turned her in. She was arrested after stealing a diamond ring in Monte Carlo that was valued at more than half a million dollars. But even prison couldn't contain this larger-than-life personality who cleverly used nuns as well as various ruses to help her break out. With her arrest in 2013 in San Diego, Doris's fame skyrocketed when media coverage of her astonishing escapades exploded.

Today, at eighty-seven, Doris, as bold and vibrant as ever, lives in Atlanta, and is celebrated for her glamorous legacy. She sums up her adventurous career best: "It beat being a teacher or a maid." A rip-roaringly fun and exciting story as captivating and audacious as Catch Me if You Can and Can You Ever Forgive Me?—Diamond Doris is the portrait of a captivating anti-hero who refused to be defined by the prejudices and mores of a hypocritical society.

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Toon 3 van 3
I listened to this book on Audio. The narrator was excellent and drew me into the story of Doris Payne. But what a story. I found it fascinating to read about her life of crime, but I found little to like about her choices. I could understand a bit of why she was so determined to make good on her own, but her methods were criminal, and she never showed remorse for her actions. Great fun reading about her fashion and her travels. All in all if you want to hear a story from the criminal point of view, it was an easy read and funny throughout. ( )
  beebeereads | Jul 18, 2021 |
Easy to read , interesting memoir about an international jewel thief. ( )
  loraineo | Jan 31, 2020 |
Doris Payne, a poor black girl, grew up in Slab Fork, West Virginia. She learned at a young age that she had a talent - the ability to manipulate others. By dressing and talking like a high class women, she was able to steal millions in diamonds, emeralds, and jewelry.

This was an exciting and fascinating book. Doris led a very interesting life. The book was fun and quick to read. Overall, highly recommended. ( )
  JanaRose1 | Sep 18, 2019 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Doris Payneprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Lockhart, Zeldaprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Albanese, LucyOntwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Miles, RobinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
TheBookDesignersOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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You can't do it all. You a woman and a colored woman at that. You can't act like a man. You can't be walking around all independent-like, doing whatever you like, taking what you want, leaving what you don't.

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a decent and caring woman
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Like people, no two diamonds are the same. (Prologue: Mined)
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April 1956

I stepped out of the lukewarm bathwater and felt the chill of a Cleveland spring morning.
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Biography & Autobiography. True Crime. African American Nonfiction. Nonfiction. HTML:

In the ebullient spirit of Ocean's 8, The Heist, and Thelma & Louise, a sensational and entertaining memoir of the world's most notorious jewel thief—a woman who defied society's prejudices and norms to carve her own path, stealing from elite jewelers to live her dreams.

Growing up during the Depression in the segregated coal town of Slab Fork, West Virginia, Doris Payne was told her dreams were unattainable for poor black girls like her. Surrounded by people who sought to limit her potential, Doris vowed to turn the tables after the owner of a jewelry store threw her out when a white customer arrived. Neither racism nor poverty would hold her back; she would get what she wanted and help her mother escape an abusive relationship.

Using her southern charm, quick wit, and fascination with magic as her tools, Payne began shoplifting small pieces of jewelry from local stores. Over the course of six decades, her talents grew with each heist. Becoming an expert world-class jewel thief, she daringly pulled off numerous diamond robberies and her Jewish boyfriend fenced the stolen gems to Hollywood celebrities.

Doris's criminal exploits went unsolved well into the 1970s—partly because the stores did not want to admit that they were duped by a black woman. Eventually realizing Doris was using him, her boyfriend turned her in. She was arrested after stealing a diamond ring in Monte Carlo that was valued at more than half a million dollars. But even prison couldn't contain this larger-than-life personality who cleverly used nuns as well as various ruses to help her break out. With her arrest in 2013 in San Diego, Doris's fame skyrocketed when media coverage of her astonishing escapades exploded.

Today, at eighty-seven, Doris, as bold and vibrant as ever, lives in Atlanta, and is celebrated for her glamorous legacy. She sums up her adventurous career best: "It beat being a teacher or a maid." A rip-roaringly fun and exciting story as captivating and audacious as Catch Me if You Can and Can You Ever Forgive Me?—Diamond Doris is the portrait of a captivating anti-hero who refused to be defined by the prejudices and mores of a hypocritical society.


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