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Polly Does NOT Want a Cracker!

door Stephanie Thatcher

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Polly is the rudest parrot in the whole zoo. Or so everybody thinks. But perhaps she just needs to find somebody that understands her.
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMrs_Tapsell_Bookzone, RefPenny
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A parrot in a zoo is fed up with people asking her if she wants a cracker. She definitely doesn't want a cracker, she thinks they are dry, salty and unpleasant, so always answers the question with an emphatic "No!". Eventually, the keeper decides Polly is too rude to live at the zoo so she is sent to a pet shop. This is not a change for the better, as everyone who visits the pet shop also asks her the same old question. Until Emma, a kindred soul, comes to the shop and offers Polly some of her lollipop.
With Polly, Stephanie Thatcher has created another engaging character. Her skill as an illustrator is amply demonstrated by the variety of poses and expressions that really bring Polly to life.The cover features a diagonally placed, upsidie-down Polly who fixes a beady eye on you with an expression that is partly hopeful, partly resigned to disappointment - there is no doubt who is the star of this story. The people may be supporting characters, but is good to see the variety of ethnicities depicted. ( )
  RefPenny | Jul 15, 2019 |
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Polly is the rudest parrot in the whole zoo. Or so everybody thinks. But perhaps she just needs to find somebody that understands her.

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Dewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)

823Literature English English fiction


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4 1

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