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The Lord's Supper: Answers to Common Questions

door Keith A. Mathison

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As Jesus was celebrating His final Passover meal, He made some bold statements. First, He took the bread and said, This is my body. Then He took the cup, saying, This is my blood. Next, He commanded the disciples to eat and drink in remembrance of Him. What did Jesus mean? Do the bread and wine literally become His body and blood? What happens when Christians take the Lord's Supper? In The Lord's Supper: Answers to Common Questions, Dr. Keith A. Mathison walks through these questions and several others to help us better understand this sacrament. Far from being an empty ritual, the Lord's Supper is a means of grace, a source of spiritual nourishment, and true communion with Christ and His church.… (meer)
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Terminology is important. How we describe something often betrays a theological or philosophical position. For example, mass, the Eucharist, communion, the breaking of bread, the Lord’s supper, are all different terms that describe the same biblical injunction and behind each term often comes a theological position. It is no surprise then as this book is entitled The Lord’s Supper we have a Reformed perspective.

In this short but informative book Mathison, professor of systematic theology at Reformation Bible College in Sanford in Florida, examines the biblical background, the theological issues, and practice behind this covenantal meal instituted by Christ.

He does so by posing and answering 11 questions in the 11 chapters.

The questions posed are as follows

1. What Is the Lord’s Supper?
2. What Are the Different Views of the Lord’s Supper?
3. Why Did Jesus Institute the Lord’s Supper on the Passover?
4. What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, “This Is My Body” and “This Is My Blood of the Covenant”?
5. What Does Paul Teach concerning the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 10–11?
6. Is Jesus Present in the Lord’s Supper?
7. Is the Lord’s Supper a Sacrifice?
8. What Are the Elements of the Lord’s Supper?
9. How Frequently Should the Lord’s Supper Be Observed?
10. How Should Believers Prepare for and Partake of the Lord’s Supper?
11. Should Children Partake of the Lord’s Supper?

Mathieson is well equipped to do this as he had previously written Given for You: Reclaiming Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper (P&R, 2002).

The strength of the book is its brevity, but its brevity does not sacrifice depth. The aim of the book is ‘to help Christians better understand the doctrine and practice of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed tradition.’ Mathieson has succeeded in this and the book will help clarify many of the questions the topic raises.
Below is a concept map summary based on chapter 11, the issue of paedocommunion.
See: ( ) | Jul 23, 2020 |
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As Jesus was celebrating His final Passover meal, He made some bold statements. First, He took the bread and said, This is my body. Then He took the cup, saying, This is my blood. Next, He commanded the disciples to eat and drink in remembrance of Him. What did Jesus mean? Do the bread and wine literally become His body and blood? What happens when Christians take the Lord's Supper? In The Lord's Supper: Answers to Common Questions, Dr. Keith A. Mathison walks through these questions and several others to help us better understand this sacrament. Far from being an empty ritual, the Lord's Supper is a means of grace, a source of spiritual nourishment, and true communion with Christ and His church.

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