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Dragon Walk (Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery)

door Melissa Bowersock

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"Four months ago, a pretty young marathoner disappeared while training on the isolated trails of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. The police have few leads, no witnesses and no results. As a last resort, they call in private investigator Lacey Fitzpatrick and Navajo medium Sam Firecloud to pick up the rapidly cooling trail. Sam and Lacey, however, are on the outs. Their efforts to take their relationship to the next level failed miserably, and now they must redefine their working relationship, as well. Can they find the murdered girl and her killer, and still hang on to their partnership?"--… (meer)
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Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

After an attempt to bridge their business relationship to a personal one and failing, Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud aren’t doing much of anything together. Until the police have a missing persons case they haven’t been able to solve in four months. As a last resort they call in Lacey and Sam to see if Sam can sense the woman who the police are fairly certain is dead. Lacey gets on her part of the research and Sam does his walk, but things aren’t as easy as they once were. But there’s a girl out there that needs their special skills so they forge ahead to a satisfactory conclusion.

I’ll admit I’m bummed about the relationship failing, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Lacey has some serious baggage. I am glad they sucked it up and got straight to work on finding that poor missing girl. The writing is crisp and flows quickly. Before I knew it I was done. The mystery is great and I love the characters. The ending is satisfying. Two thumbs up. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jun 4, 2020 |
novella, relationship-issues, investigation, supernatural, cozy-mystery, law-enforcement, private-investigators *****

Lacey is an ex-homicide cop turned private investigator and Sam is her partner in special investigations requiring communication with the victims of murder. They also have a personal relationship which is pretty rocky just now. They are called in by the parents of a young woman who was out on a marathon training run four months ago and simply vanished without a trace or viable suspect. LAPD is just as baffled and agrees to work with them once again. Another great installment in a terrific series! Loved it!
Laura Wilson continues to be the great narrator. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Sep 17, 2019 |
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"Four months ago, a pretty young marathoner disappeared while training on the isolated trails of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. The police have few leads, no witnesses and no results. As a last resort, they call in private investigator Lacey Fitzpatrick and Navajo medium Sam Firecloud to pick up the rapidly cooling trail. Sam and Lacey, however, are on the outs. Their efforts to take their relationship to the next level failed miserably, and now they must redefine their working relationship, as well. Can they find the murdered girl and her killer, and still hang on to their partnership?"--

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