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Blood Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery) (Volume 8)

door Melissa Bowersock

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433,516,283 (4.5)Geen
The paranormal investigation team of Lacey Fitzpatrick and medium Sam Firecloud is keeping tabs on a serial killer case that's baffling the LAPD: four murders in a month, with no solid leads or suspects. When Sam and Lacey offer their assistance, the PD reluctantly agrees, but Sam gets more than he bargains for when he visits the crime scenes. In addition to picking up impressions from the victims, he's also receiving feelings from the killer himself. Sam's unusual connection to the murderer's mind may help them catch the criminal, but it could also lead the murderer to them. In a deadly race against time, Sam and Lacey piece the clues together to catch the killer before he catches them.… (meer)
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Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud are paranormal investigators. Well, sometimes. Lacey does work as a private investigator between the paranormal cases and Sam works in construction. As a medium, Sam has seen ghosts and gotten impressions from them since he was a kid. He tries to help them move on from the Earthly plane and his job is so much easier now that he has lacey to help him. Good thing, too. This case is one for the books. The LAPD hasn’t been able to catch a serial killer who has murdered 4 people in a month. When Sam and Lacey offer to help, Sam discovers he can not only get impressions from the ghosts, but he’s picking up on the serial killer, too. What?! Now it’s a race to find the killer before the killer finds them.

This is an interesting twist to the stories that came before. Sam is freaking out that he’s picking up on a serial killer’s thoughts. As much as he hates it, he needs to keep the connection in order to find this guy. The writing is still simple and crisp and it’s a quick read, but I’m not as happy with this one as I’ve been with the previous stories. Maybe it was the serial killer angle, though that was actually kind of a nice twist. I can’t really put my finger on why this was less than the others. However, it’s still a great read and I’m looking forward to more Sam and Lacey stories. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jun 23, 2020 |
serial-killer, supernatural, family, law-enforcement, private-investigators, murder-investigation*****

Hopping into this series at random is like catching a random episode of NCIS, the interpersonal aspects of Sam Firecloud and Lacey might be muddled but the mystery itself is totally compelling. While I really hate reading about serial killers and especially about getting inside their heads, at least in Ms Bowersock's fiction I know that they will be stopped and the journey is well worth taking. Which is to explain why I can't say that I love it but value the writing.
Laura Wilson is a very good narrator with lousy soundproofing in her booth. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jan 26, 2020 |
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The paranormal investigation team of Lacey Fitzpatrick and medium Sam Firecloud is keeping tabs on a serial killer case that's baffling the LAPD: four murders in a month, with no solid leads or suspects. When Sam and Lacey offer their assistance, the PD reluctantly agrees, but Sam gets more than he bargains for when he visits the crime scenes. In addition to picking up impressions from the victims, he's also receiving feelings from the killer himself. Sam's unusual connection to the murderer's mind may help them catch the criminal, but it could also lead the murderer to them. In a deadly race against time, Sam and Lacey piece the clues together to catch the killer before he catches them.

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Melissa Bowersock is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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