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Fire Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery) (Volume 12)

door Melissa Bowersock

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433,516,283 (4.5)Geen
A property in the town of Meadeview, Massachusetts has a problem with fire. Anything that is built there burns to the ground. Medium Sam Firecloud and his partner, Lacey Fitzpatrick, are called to the small town to investigate the strange physical haunting, and their research leads them deeper into the dark underbelly of the tight knit community. The more they uncover, however, the more the townspeople are threatened by the old secrets-secrets the locals would much rather remain buried.… (meer)
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ex-cop, family, intolerance, intimidation, investigation, private-investigators, ghosts, rage, arson, Navajo, supernatural, law-enforcement, novella, New England, obstructive, series*****

The very ground from a long-ago church is cursed by an arsonist ghost in New England?
In spite of being part of a series, there's enough background interspersed in the story to keep it from being an issue. Well, except that you'd want to read the others anyway. Sam is the medium and is very serious about helping those trapped into a bad situation by the manner of death. Lacey is his research partner, ex homicide cop, and his significant other. This case is different from those they've had before as the request comes from a builder in New England. They also encounter unexpected hostility from the local law while learning some nasty things about attitudes toward women in the late 1920s. I love these byte sized mysteries!
I have audio with Julie John as the excellent voice actor and audiobook narrator. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jul 26, 2022 |
Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited
Paranormal Investigators Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud head out of town, way out of town, to Meadeview Massachusetts to see why a guy’s convenience store keeps burning to the ground before construction can even be finished. What they find is a tangled web of lies, local hostility, and one pissed off ghost dating back to 1928.
Sam and Lacey have got their work cut out for them in this one. The ghost is from 1928 and they have to figure out the story in order to do the release. But that’s a long time ago and there isn’t anyone around who is from that decade. Records are hard to come by, but that’s never stopped Lacey before. I love walking with them while they figure out the who, what, why of the ghosts they encounter. The stories are getting shorter, but they aren’t any less interesting. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jul 15, 2020 |
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A property in the town of Meadeview, Massachusetts has a problem with fire. Anything that is built there burns to the ground. Medium Sam Firecloud and his partner, Lacey Fitzpatrick, are called to the small town to investigate the strange physical haunting, and their research leads them deeper into the dark underbelly of the tight knit community. The more they uncover, however, the more the townspeople are threatened by the old secrets-secrets the locals would much rather remain buried.

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Melissa Bowersock is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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