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Karma Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery)

door Melissa Bowersock

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423,516,283 (4.5)Geen
Abe Sydlowski was a cop in Long Beach, California, and had a dedicated, distinguished career--even after he died. His ghost is appearing at a beach he used to patrol, and his brothers of the shield want to know why. Lacey Fitzpatrick and medium Sam Firecloud are called in but get one surprise before they even start. Daniel, Sam's fourteen-year-old son, wants to work with them. When the trio goes to investigate, they find not one ghost, but two. Who is the young girl whose spirit haunts the beach with Abe, and what's the connection between the two?… (meer)
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Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud are paranormal investigators who try to discover why a ghost is haunting a place. They get plenty of business through word of mouth and some of the jobs come through old contacts. In this one, Lacey’s former job at the LAPD is what draws them an interesting case. A dead cop is patrolling a stretch of beach in Long Beach, California and his old partner hires them to find out why. And maybe get him to move on. They take Sam’s 14-yr-old son Daniel along since he expresses an interest in learning more about the gift he has inherited from his dad. What they discover is unusual, to say the least.

Well, this is a different one for the books. There’s not one, but two ghosts haunting this particular beach and the revelation is fascinating. Great plot, great execution, and wonderful characters. I’m still all in for this series. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jul 23, 2020 |
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Abe Sydlowski was a cop in Long Beach, California, and had a dedicated, distinguished career--even after he died. His ghost is appearing at a beach he used to patrol, and his brothers of the shield want to know why. Lacey Fitzpatrick and medium Sam Firecloud are called in but get one surprise before they even start. Daniel, Sam's fourteen-year-old son, wants to work with them. When the trio goes to investigate, they find not one ghost, but two. Who is the young girl whose spirit haunts the beach with Abe, and what's the connection between the two?

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Melissa Bowersock is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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