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Mystery Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery)

door Melissa Bowersock

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When paranormal investigators Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud are on a case, they are all in, and don't rest until the haunting is resolved. Now they've been invited to a Murder Mystery Weekend of role-play, sleuthing and fun. Lacey thinks they'll have an advantage because they're such practiced investigators, and the tangled trail of clues, motives and red herrings creates a fierce competition to find whodunit. Lacey fully intends to solve the mystery and win the prize, but the weekend turns out to be surprisingly different on very many levels.… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
family, freeing, acting, friendship, ghosts, remorse, investigators, investigation, medium, spirits, paranormal*****

Sam and Lacey agree to go for a fun weekend with San's ex-wife and her husband to a Murder Mystery Weekend. They need to rent attire appropriate to the flapper era and portray characters from a wordless script. Lacey has a little more trouble getting into the spirit of the thing, but I found the whole thing fascinating. Along the way a resident sad ghost appears and needs to be freed. A good read! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Aug 21, 2022 |
Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

Paranormal investigators Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud are supposed to be going away with Sam’s ex-wife and her husband for a weekend of murder. Solving that is. Like one of those murder mystery weekends. Except the inn where the event is being held is haunted and Sam wants to release the ghost, but doesn’t want to spoil their time away with work. It’s all about balance.

Murder mystery getaways aren’t really my thing, but this turned out to be a fun story. One where Lacey learns a few things, too. The ghost’s history is sad, but they usually are. Side characters are wonderful. A great afternoon of entertainment. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jul 25, 2020 |
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When paranormal investigators Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud are on a case, they are all in, and don't rest until the haunting is resolved. Now they've been invited to a Murder Mystery Weekend of role-play, sleuthing and fun. Lacey thinks they'll have an advantage because they're such practiced investigators, and the tangled trail of clues, motives and red herrings creates a fierce competition to find whodunit. Lacey fully intends to solve the mystery and win the prize, but the weekend turns out to be surprisingly different on very many levels.

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Melissa Bowersock is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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