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Bordello Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery)

door Melissa Bowersock

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Jerome, Arizona, is known as the most haunted town in the state. In its history as an old west mining town, it endured explosions, cave-ins, fires, and the usual consequences of rampant prostitution, gambling and gunfights. It experienced enough mayhem to generate countless ghosts, which is exactly why medium Sam Firecloud does not want to go there. When he and partner Lacey Fitzpatrick get a call to eradicate a ghost from an old bordello, there's more at stake than simply freeing a tortured soul. Sam's own soul could also be in danger.… (meer)
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Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

Paranormal investigators Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud pack their bags and head to Jerome, Arizona to release a ghost or ghosts from a store that was once an old bordello. Sam originally vehemently refused to go to Jerome because it has a reputation for being the most haunted town in Arizona, something he experienced for himself not long after he discovered his talent as a kid. But he changes his mind and decides he will give it another shot now that he’s an adult with decades of experience under his belt. I was thinking that it probably wasn’t a good idea for him to go there, experience or not, and I hate when I’m right.

The background for Jerome is fascinating. I never even heard of it as being a most haunted place in the US, but it stands to reason there would be. I can’t even imagine what it was like to live in those times and try to survive in such a rough place. Lots of tragedy there. After doing the job in Jerome, Sam and Lacey head to the Navajo reservation to consult with Sam’s grandpa. Because there’s something very wrong with Sam. Yikes. Great story! ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Jul 27, 2020 |
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Jerome, Arizona, is known as the most haunted town in the state. In its history as an old west mining town, it endured explosions, cave-ins, fires, and the usual consequences of rampant prostitution, gambling and gunfights. It experienced enough mayhem to generate countless ghosts, which is exactly why medium Sam Firecloud does not want to go there. When he and partner Lacey Fitzpatrick get a call to eradicate a ghost from an old bordello, there's more at stake than simply freeing a tortured soul. Sam's own soul could also be in danger.

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Melissa Bowersock is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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