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When I Close My Eyes

door Elizabeth Musser

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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Could she ever share the secret of The Awful Year? There is one story that novelist Josephine Bourdillon shirked from writing. And now she may never have a chance. Trapped in her memories, she lies in a coma. The man who put her there is just as paralyzed. Former soldier Henry Hughes failed to complete the kill. What's more: he never received full payment— funds that would ensure surgery for his son. As detectives investigate disturbing fan letters, a young but not-so-naive Paige Bourdillon turns to her mother's turbulent past for answers. Could The Awful Year be worse than the one they're living now? Set against the flaming hills of North Carolina and the peaceful shores of the Mediterranean Sea, When I Close My Eyes tells the story of two families struggling with dysfunction and finding that love is stronger than death.… (meer)
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Words are just hard for me to find to describe how this book affected me. Parts of the book were deeply personal to me and I just wanted to soak up the words so I could remember them later. But, I’ll just have to read it again and make notes. I’m still just trying to absorb every last bit of emotion from it before starting another book.

This is a story of the deepest emotions we as humans can have. Faith, struggle, depression, suicide, hope, recovery, hypocrisy, and the deep love of Jesus Christ who calls us to Him because He loves us SO much.

Wonderful story, with characters that will reach in and grab you until you are inside them. This book is a love story, mystery, drama, with just a tiny bit of humor. You’ll get drawn into the story and it will be hard to put down. Then the end comes and you’ll feel a bit sad to let it go. But ever so grateful that you read it. ( )
  cbcmedia | Jul 5, 2023 |
An audiobook is great when you need something for a road trip or morning walks, especially if it is from a favorite author, has a story that grabs you from the beginning, and has narrators that bring life to the characters. I got all of that while listening to When I Close My Eyes by Elizabeth Musser. This novel seemed to be a bit of a departure for Musser. Set in modern-day Asheville, but including glimpses of one character’s past life, it is a study in grace and forgiveness. Three narrators gave voice to Paige, Josephine, and Henry — all excellent! Josephine, a best-selling author is shot by Henry (a man struggling with family pressures and PTSD), and Paige, Josephine’s daughter, is left to make sense of what is happening. I loved how Musser showed the impact of the initial murder attempt and the winding road to wholeness — although in ways this reader was not expecting. Mental illness in a variety of manifestations is explored thoughtfully and sensitively. I began listening in one hour intervals, but when I found myself under the weather, the book kept my mind engaged while resting. (And good news — all the tests came back negative, if you know what I mean 😉 .)

While I loved the audiobook experience, When I Close My Eyes is a book to contemplate and savor, so you may find the physical copy more to your liking. Either way it is a highly recommended read!

Highly Recommended.

Audience: Adults.

(I borrowed the audiobook from my local library through Libby. All opinions expressed are mine alone.) ( )
  vintagebeckie | Feb 1, 2021 |
This is an absolute MUST READ! Wow! Elizabeth Musser has wound a wonderful story around the topic of depression. Only the stories that touch you in a profound way stay with you long after you finish the book. These characters and this beautiful book aren’t going anywhere for a long time. ( )
  ChurchMouse70 | Feb 23, 2020 |
Once again Elizabeth Musser has done an outstanding job with her gift of writing. "When I Close My Eyes" was impactful, inspiring, heartfelt, and original. She takes on the hidden problem of depression and tells about it in a realistic light that lends credence to her characters while accentuating the forgiveness and grace of God, the true Healer. ( )
  khoyt | Jan 22, 2020 |
I’ve read two books back to back that deal with the difficult topics of depression and suicide, but only When I close My Eyes had the underlying message of faith and grace, making it the story I would recommend first.

Elizabeth Musser takes readers on a journey of discovery through the eyes of three different characters. Henry is questioning whether his sins and choices can be forgiven. Paige is searching for answers about her mother and family. And, through flashbacks, Josephine is trying to uncover her memories.

I adored Paige in this story. She asks hard questions, she stands up for others, and she shows grace when it’s most difficult to give. She’s the ultimate picture of forgiveness.

This is one book that is going to stick with me for a long while.

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. ( )
  Suzie27 | Dec 3, 2019 |
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Could she ever share the secret of The Awful Year? There is one story that novelist Josephine Bourdillon shirked from writing. And now she may never have a chance. Trapped in her memories, she lies in a coma. The man who put her there is just as paralyzed. Former soldier Henry Hughes failed to complete the kill. What's more: he never received full payment— funds that would ensure surgery for his son. As detectives investigate disturbing fan letters, a young but not-so-naive Paige Bourdillon turns to her mother's turbulent past for answers. Could The Awful Year be worse than the one they're living now? Set against the flaming hills of North Carolina and the peaceful shores of the Mediterranean Sea, When I Close My Eyes tells the story of two families struggling with dysfunction and finding that love is stronger than death.

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