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Major Pieces: A Peltedverse Collection (2019)

door M. C. A. Hogarth

Reeksen: Princes' Game (short stories)

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812,218,066 (4.67)1
Everybody's got a story... even the bystanders.The staff of the Alliance's foremost restaurant... the forgotten children of the imperial Chatcaavan harem... the story of how an empress hired a D-per, and an entire ship full of Glaseah came to settle on an alien world... here, woven amid the larger stories of the participants in the Chatcaavan war, are the smaller scenes observed by its minor characters, or shifted by its major ones in moments of contemplation. Major Pieces collects 21 stories starting from before the events of Even the Wingless and ending just prior to the first book of the Jubilee Summer duology. Some are as short as a talk with a therapist and his dog over cookies--others are nearly novel-length examinations of important events previously left off-camera, like the wedding of a wingless freak to an Emperor and his consort. All of them were reader-selected, and many, reader-suggested.You've survived the war. Now come back to the unexplored corners of the story and linger.… (meer)
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This was (expectedly) magnificent. The book is a Kickstarted collection of short(ish) pieces in and around Hogarth's Princes' Game series; I do _not_ recommend starting with this, but if you've read the Princes' Game (or at least the summary) and want more, this is fantastic. Major and (so far) minor characters, depicted in all the events that happened in between the major events shown in the mainline books - things that were referenced in the books, and things that must have happened though they weren't explicitly mentioned. Also POVs that got little or no air in the main books - I particularly loved Amber's note (letter?), and Maia. Some of these are quite short; some grew past novella and into short novel lengths! It was a lot of fun being updated on the progress of the stories as they were written, and helping with edit passes; the Kickstarter was delightful. But the book that grew out of it is even better. The worst Hogarth I've read was only mildly interesting; most of her stuff is 5-star, for me. So it's not at all surprising that this book is as good as it is. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Dec 8, 2019 |
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Princes' Game (short stories)
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Everybody's got a story... even the bystanders.The staff of the Alliance's foremost restaurant... the forgotten children of the imperial Chatcaavan harem... the story of how an empress hired a D-per, and an entire ship full of Glaseah came to settle on an alien world... here, woven amid the larger stories of the participants in the Chatcaavan war, are the smaller scenes observed by its minor characters, or shifted by its major ones in moments of contemplation. Major Pieces collects 21 stories starting from before the events of Even the Wingless and ending just prior to the first book of the Jubilee Summer duology. Some are as short as a talk with a therapist and his dog over cookies--others are nearly novel-length examinations of important events previously left off-camera, like the wedding of a wingless freak to an Emperor and his consort. All of them were reader-selected, and many, reader-suggested.You've survived the war. Now come back to the unexplored corners of the story and linger.

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Gemiddelde: (4.67)
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