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Statistics for the Utterly Confused

door Lloyd Jaisingh

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1631173,391 (3.33)Geen
Book Description: When it comes to understanding statistics, even good students can be confused. Perfect for students in any introductory non-calculus-based statistics course, and equally useful to professionals working in the world, Statistics for the Utterly Confused is your ticket to success. Statistical concepts are explained step-by-step and applied to such diverse fields as business, economics, finance, and more. The message of Statistics for the Utterly Confused is simple: you don't have to be confused anymore. Updated and expanded to give you the latest changes in the field, this up-to-the-minute edition includes many new examples of Excel output, the most widely used of all statistics programs; a new chapter on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); and 200 additions to the 700 self-testing questions and answers. The expert author's Web site also gives you tons of fresh examples, practice problems, and strategies-so you can go from utterly confused to totally prepared in no time.… (meer)
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A functional, handy book with straightforward coverage of all the topics you'd hit in Statistics 101. It is far more thorough than a Statistics for Dummies--and harder to read--and requires the reader to come with real interest or a question because it's naturally dry. The book has many, many test questions, which--since this is not marketed as a primer or textbook--seems like overkill. It is not as detailed as a textbook, seems like a reference book, but has many exercises. It is also perfunctory in that it doesn't give many examples of why you might need to know about, for example, confidence intervals. But if you come to the book knowing you want a simple research of confidence intervals, more than what is on Wikipedia, then this might be the book. ( )
  shawnd | Jun 17, 2010 |
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Book Description: When it comes to understanding statistics, even good students can be confused. Perfect for students in any introductory non-calculus-based statistics course, and equally useful to professionals working in the world, Statistics for the Utterly Confused is your ticket to success. Statistical concepts are explained step-by-step and applied to such diverse fields as business, economics, finance, and more. The message of Statistics for the Utterly Confused is simple: you don't have to be confused anymore. Updated and expanded to give you the latest changes in the field, this up-to-the-minute edition includes many new examples of Excel output, the most widely used of all statistics programs; a new chapter on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); and 200 additions to the 700 self-testing questions and answers. The expert author's Web site also gives you tons of fresh examples, practice problems, and strategies-so you can go from utterly confused to totally prepared in no time.

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