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Willow (Expanded Edition)

door Linda Lael Miller

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1253226,151 (3.44)Geen
Dear Reader: Willow is a novel from early in my career, and it was originally shorter than many of my other historical romances. Now, I'm delighted to be able to share this brand-new edition with you. I've taken the opportunity to expand Willow to include the subplots, love scenes, and deeper characterization that are possible with a longer book. I hope you enjoy reading this retelling as much as I have enjoyed visiting these characters and this story once again.In 1883, the railroad had only recently come to Montana Territory, and outlaws still lurked in the hills. Willow Gallagher, who spent her early childhood in an outlaw camp until her father finally found her, is torn by divided loyalties. Newly married to handsome railroad baron Gideon Marshall, she finds fiery passion in Gideon's embrace, until she discovers he is on a mission ...… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
Read to release for the May Flowers challenge. Early Miller work, redone for length. Western Montana romance. Willow was raised by her mother in an outlaw's camp with her brother, until her father found them and brought them to his home. Through a lark, set up by his brother, she marries her step-mother's biological son (get that?) when she is 17 in San Francisco. Nothing comes of the wedding night & both believe the marriage is false. But two years later, she finds it's true - and she's married to Gideon who's hunting down her brother Steven, on charges of train robbery. Only he's not guilty, it's a set up. In the meantime, Gideon's ex-fiancé comes to Montana and falls in love with "outlaw" Steven. And stepmom dies, leaving Willow's father's paramour as her confidant. You need a scorecard for these relationships! ( )
  nancynova | Apr 24, 2014 |
Willow Gallagher, who spent early childhood in an outlaw camp until her father finally found her. Newly married to railroad baron, Gideon Marshall, who happens to be her stepmothers son, she discovers he is on a mission to capture Willow's outlaw brother, Steven. A good read. This is one of LLMiller's first books. ( )
  rdh123 | Nov 9, 2011 |
Willow...a woman torn between a man who she isn't sure she can trust and a brother she longs to protect. Gideon...a man torn between a woman he planned to married to gain wealth and a woman he unknowingly married and could possibly love.

Great story. Linda Lael Miller at her best. Definitely worth the time to read... ( )
  Books007 | Mar 25, 2011 |
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Expanded edition is NOT a Tapestry romance publisher book; it was published by Pocket Star books
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Dear Reader: Willow is a novel from early in my career, and it was originally shorter than many of my other historical romances. Now, I'm delighted to be able to share this brand-new edition with you. I've taken the opportunity to expand Willow to include the subplots, love scenes, and deeper characterization that are possible with a longer book. I hope you enjoy reading this retelling as much as I have enjoyed visiting these characters and this story once again.In 1883, the railroad had only recently come to Montana Territory, and outlaws still lurked in the hills. Willow Gallagher, who spent her early childhood in an outlaw camp until her father finally found her, is torn by divided loyalties. Newly married to handsome railroad baron Gideon Marshall, she finds fiery passion in Gideon's embrace, until she discovers he is on a mission ...

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