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Bat and Sloth Hang Around (Bat and Sloth: Time to Read, Level 2)

door Leslie Kimmelman

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Bat wakes one night to find a two-toed sloth hanging next to him on his branch, and while Sloth is sure they can become friends, Bat is not convinced.
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Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
In the pink light of evening, a fruit bat wakes up in the jungle. He is surprised to find out that he is not alone on his branch! He has been joined by a two-toed sloth. Bat wants Sloth to leave - it's his branch - but Sloth thinks they can share and even be friends.
After they have realized they do have some things in common and can be friends, they explore what they can do together. They look for games they can play and help each other when they're in danger. When Bat bumps into Sloth, they have an argument, but eventually become friends again.

This is an intermediate easy reader with the classic "odd couple" set up, although I don't remember ever seeing a bat and a sloth in this mix-up before! Both are somewhat anthropomorphic, in that they talk, argue, and form a friendship, but they also live a fairly natural life, eating their normal food, living in a tree, and avoiding predators.

Braun's cartoon illustrations are full of slick color and gentle humor, that fits the quiet, peaceful tone of the book well. The reading level is intermediate, about a 400 lexile probably, and I'd recommend this to readers who like the classic Frog and Toad, Henry and Mudge, or Cork and Fuzz, rather than the more raucous Fly Guy.

Verdict: A good addition if you need more intermediate readers.

ISBN: 9780807505854; Published April 2020 by Albert Whitman; Borrowed from another library in my consortium; Purchased for the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Aug 22, 2020 |
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Bat wakes one night to find a two-toed sloth hanging next to him on his branch, and while Sloth is sure they can become friends, Bat is not convinced.

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