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RED: A Dark Romance Red Riding Hood Retelling

door Measha Stone

Reeksen: Ever After (3)

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1231,660,891 (4)Geen
Collect the girl. Speak some vows. Inherit the fortune. Nowhere in the requirements did it say anything about falling in love.Melinda thinks she's just coming to grandma's for dinner, but she's wrong. She's wrong about a lot of things. None of which is my business. The only business I have is to settle the open accounts on my uncle's books, so I can collect my inheritance and move on with my life. Collecting Melinda in order to cross off her grandfather's debt wasn't hard, but she's not exactly marching gracefully up to the auction block for me. I'm not the monster here. I'm not the one who sold her to my uncle, I'm just the collector. My hands are as bound as hers thanks to the whims of our families. But with her red hair, and fiery spirit, Melinda's giving me more trouble than I anticipated. Good thing, I don't run from trouble.… (meer)
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4.4 stars

I was curious when I read this blurb whether it would be cheesy. It wasn't in the least. This actually had a fantastic storyline. I enjoyed the connection between the characters despite their rocky start. I liked the suspense and mystery. The added elements of BDSM were a bonus also. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
This is the newest book in Measha Stone's fairy tale retellings. It's a pretty good guess that this one is all about Little Red Riding Hood.

Melinda's grandfather did her dirty and now Erik is there to collect. And it's not money that he's there to collect.

I like Melinda, mostly. I think that there were a lot of times that she made things a lot harder on herself than she really needed. I'm not saying that she had to give in all super duper easy, but if she had given in a little easier, at times, I think that she would've been a little happier through the process. OTOH, I totally understand why she was so resistant and why she felt like she needed to stay strong and not give in to Erik.

I think that Erik is really confused in himself and doesn't know where he needs to be in his life. He knows what he wants to have, but getting from point A to point B with all the sidetrips he has to take is a lot less clearcut to him. Or, maybe he thought it was a clearcut plan, but he's totally missing it. Whatever.

I love the dirty adult fairy tales and all the dirty adult things that happen in them, so this was pretty awesome. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
4.4 stars

I was curious when I read this blurb whether it would be cheesy. It wasn't in the least. This actually had a fantastic storyline. I enjoyed the connection between the characters despite their rocky start. I liked the suspense and mystery. The added elements of BDSM were a bonus also. ( )
  MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
Toon 3 van 3
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Collect the girl. Speak some vows. Inherit the fortune. Nowhere in the requirements did it say anything about falling in love.Melinda thinks she's just coming to grandma's for dinner, but she's wrong. She's wrong about a lot of things. None of which is my business. The only business I have is to settle the open accounts on my uncle's books, so I can collect my inheritance and move on with my life. Collecting Melinda in order to cross off her grandfather's debt wasn't hard, but she's not exactly marching gracefully up to the auction block for me. I'm not the monster here. I'm not the one who sold her to my uncle, I'm just the collector. My hands are as bound as hers thanks to the whims of our families. But with her red hair, and fiery spirit, Melinda's giving me more trouble than I anticipated. Good thing, I don't run from trouble.

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