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Stop Calling Me Beautiful: Finding Soul-Deep Strength in a Skin-Deep World

door Phylicia Masonheimer

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732376,501 (4.17)Geen
Why We Need Jesus More Than Compliments "You're a beautiful daughter of the Most High King." And it's true. But it's not the whole truth. The beauty of being God's daughter has backstory. If you're tired of hearing the watered-down Christian teaching and hungry for a deeper spiritual life-one that gives real answers to your hardest questions-Stop Calling Me Beautiful teaches you how. You will learn: - How to pursue the truths of who God is and who you are in relationship to Him - How to study Scripture, and how your view of God determines how you face life's challenges - How legalism, shallow theology, and false teaching keep you from living boldly as a woman of the Word - How to experience God's presence in painful circumstances Jesus doesn't offer a powerless salvation. He makes your brokenness part of His whole redemption story-if you allow Him to. Don't settle for a feel-good faith. If you want victory over insecurity, fear, shame, and the circumstances you are facing, it's time to embrace Jesus. All of Him.… (meer)
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UPDATE, 02/09/2023:
Having come to understand the issues of the Enneagram and the focus of messages from those like Brene Brown which I was reminded are mentioned in this book, I can no longer recommend this book without caveats because of this.

2.5 Stars

The premise of the book, Stop Calling Me Beautiful, is that we as women need more than simply the message that we are beautiful and have worth when we gather for Bible studies and conferences. We need more than the shallow beauty message because that message does not bring us to know God Himself, does not go to the root of our needs and issues, and cannot bring lasting freedom and victory.

Women need more than pretty framed pictures of Bible verses and reminders that we are beautiful. Instead we need a message that helps us cultivate our relationship with God. We need to learn how to properly read and understand God's Word and apply it to our lives in the context it was written.

This is a needed message in the Body of Christ because the messages we often hear instead focus on us more than on God. Feel-good and self-help "sermons" abound in our modern age, but without Jesus they are empty and without power.

Stop Calling Me Beautiful covers various issues women face, showing readers how to seek victory in these areas through knowing Christ and His truth. Issues covered: legalism, anxiety/overwhelm, grief, broken sexuality, cultivating community, fear of man and shame.

These topics will benefit any reader. That said, the book highlights the importance of getting to know God for Himself versus reading His Word to find personal insights, answers we need, freedom and peace, etc. It is in seeking to know God rather than seeking for ourselves that we come to experience the vibrant spiritual life God intended.

A few quotes from the book:

"God wants us to experience Him. But experiencing God doesn't begin with emotion. It begins with desire, and it is accomplished by diligence."

"Apart from Christ, we are not beautiful, pure, or acceptable because all humankind possesses a fallen nature. Though God originally created humans as perfect creatures, humankind's sinful choice makes our purity impossible without Jesus... in order to become like Jesus, we must diligently seek Jesus."

"We don't go deeper with God by reflecting more on ourselves, or even by reading God's Word to look for insight about ourselves. Roots of spiritual growth develop as we seek God for who He is and allow Him to do the transforming work in our hearts that we can never do on our own."

(A copy of this book was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.) ( )
  aebooksandwords | Jul 29, 2023 |
First sentence: I attended my first Bible study when I was 16 years old. I came into the house clutching my copy of Beth Moore’s Believing God and spent the next sixteen weeknights glued to my pastor’s TV screen.

ETA: While most of my review (below) will be reprinting my first review, I just have to add several things. I really loved this book the first time around. I am surprised (should I be???) that this is the review that consistently gets a lot of likes on GoodReads. So I've always meant to reread this one at some point. When I saw it was available at the library, I decided to give it another read.

Original review: I have a confession to make. I may do a decent job of not judging a book by its cover. Most of the time. But. When it comes to christian books--especially nonfiction books--I tend to judge a book by its publisher. Stop Calling Me Beautiful is published by Harvest House. Yet the description of this one sounded GREAT. Like the author and I would get along well. For she too opposes "pink fluff" theology written by women, for women, that consists of little real substance.

She addresses three problems that she sees in typical women's ministries: 1) Christian women are being taught a message that is theologically deficient. Modern women’s ministry’s framework for presenting and understanding God contains pieces of truth, but these pieces do not present an accurate picture of God and the gospel. 2) The message we’re hearing is self-focused. Flawed theology always turns attention away from God and onto ourselves, and that’s exactly what has happened with women’s ministry today. 3) The message is superficial, watered-down.

She concludes, "Theological education—learning about God, the Bible, and how these truths apply to life—is not just for men or for those called to ministry. Women must be spiritually equipped with the knowledge of God through His Word so they can minister to the people around them...The true gospel is available to all of us through God’s Word. We must learn to study it. We must know it well enough to rightly divide the truth and check teachings against the Word of God as the Bereans did (Acts 17:11). In other words, we must cultivate a holy curiosity." I couldn't agree with her more!

The book doesn't focus, however, on how everyone else is doing it wrong. Far from it. Most of the book serves either as a first introduction or a refresher course on the Christian faith, on how to live the life and walk the walk daily.

I found myself highlighting passage after passage. I guess you could say I was nodding my head and going, YES.

Here are some of my favorites:

Desire and delight become an endless circle in the presence of the living God.

Our self-discovery is not God’s goal. We are meant to know God and make Him known. This is the great adventure for which our hearts long!

We don’t go deeper with God by reflecting more on ourselves, or even by reading God’s Word to look for insight about ourselves. Roots of spiritual growth develop as we seek God for who He is and allow Him to do the transforming work in our hearts that we can never do on our own. He is the one who plants the desire to seek Him. He is the one who meets us when we apply diligence in faith.

Bible study is as simple as actually reading the Bible. You don’t need to know everything up front to learn and appreciate what God says in His Word. But you do have to be willing to start. From that heart of willingness, you can add resources for deeper study. These will add depth to the places, people, and terms you read in the Bible, transforming what used to be drab and gray into the living color of God’s redemption story.

We need the full gospel—the gospel that began in Genesis and runs to Revelation like a “scarlet thread”, a continual story written in blood—in order to find a deeper spiritual life in this shallow world. Finding this life is not easy. It takes diligence. But diligence is what a student of any kind must cultivate in order to gain knowledge. And that’s what we, as believers, need to do.

God insists on our involvement in Christian community. We are called to vulnerability, transparency, and the sharing of our burdens. Without this, we cannot grow as believers.

We can’t draw near if we don’t open our Bibles and read them ourselves, if we don’t put ourselves into godly community, and if we don’t receive discipleship and accountability. We live abundantly when we regularly expose ourselves to the work and Spirit of God. When we do, the things that used to bore us take on the color of abundant life.

Your brokenness is real, but it is not your identity. It is not an excuse, and it is not your future.

The goal of time with God is worship of God.

God is the most valuable, worthy person we will ever know. Yet we often attribute more worth and value to sleep, social media, and friends than we do to Him. Our worship is naturally revealed through our daily habits and behaviors. The things we think, say, read, watch, and do reveal what we’re worshipping.

There is no quick fix for a soul-deep struggle. Though it’s not easy and certainly not quick, Jesus never makes a promise He won’t bring to fruition.

Overcoming anxiety is the daily choice to come. When we feel weary, burdened, and overwhelmed, changing our schedules and habits will help, but these will not bring us lasting victory. Being present and letting go of perfectionism will help us make great strides, but these actions will not cut to the spiritual root of anxiety. Anxiety is overcome when we make the choice to trust God more than we trust our emotions.

Victory is not defined by never feeling anxious.

You don’t have to like your circumstances to depend on God in the midst of them.

Our grief is known and carried. Our loss is not pointless.

You can’t love someone and condemn them at the same time!

In one of life’s great dichotomies, we fear losing what we value most—even when the thing we value is destroying us.
Repentance does not entail rehearsing our unworthiness (to ourselves and others) over and over again for the purpose of glorifying God. We glorify God best when we turn from our sinful ways, embrace the worthiness He has given us in Christ, and live out that worthiness by the Holy Spirit’s power.

Without grounding ourselves in the Word of God we can’t live by the truth of God. Without living by the truth of God we can’t live out the freedom of God. An overcoming life is the product of consistent exposure to God through His Word. This isn’t another reminder to do your devotions. This is war! Abundant life doesn’t happen apart from God, and God has revealed Himself in Scripture.

We think in terms of the big picture, but our lives are actually lived in the mundane moments, and our legacy is less about the world at large and more about our immediate communities. But here’s the kicker: We can’t impact our communities if we’re constantly playing whack-a-mole with our sinfulness. And we can’t overcome our sinfulness—or the difficulties of this world—apart from Jesus. To truly make a difference in the world, we have to know the Creator and Redeemer of the world on an intimate level. We have to be women of spiritual depth.

We change our communities by letting Jesus change our lives in front of, alongside, and within our communities. ( )
  blbooks | Jan 26, 2023 |
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Why We Need Jesus More Than Compliments "You're a beautiful daughter of the Most High King." And it's true. But it's not the whole truth. The beauty of being God's daughter has backstory. If you're tired of hearing the watered-down Christian teaching and hungry for a deeper spiritual life-one that gives real answers to your hardest questions-Stop Calling Me Beautiful teaches you how. You will learn: - How to pursue the truths of who God is and who you are in relationship to Him - How to study Scripture, and how your view of God determines how you face life's challenges - How legalism, shallow theology, and false teaching keep you from living boldly as a woman of the Word - How to experience God's presence in painful circumstances Jesus doesn't offer a powerless salvation. He makes your brokenness part of His whole redemption story-if you allow Him to. Don't settle for a feel-good faith. If you want victory over insecurity, fear, shame, and the circumstances you are facing, it's time to embrace Jesus. All of Him.

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