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Welcome to the Autistic Community

door Autistic Self Advocacy Network

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1111,769,577 (3.75)Geen
This book is about what it means to be a part of the autistic community. Autistic people wrote this book. Some autistic people are just learning about their autism. We wanted to welcome them and give them a lot of important information all in one place. This book talks about what autism is and how it affects our lives. It talks about our history, our community, and our rights. We wrote this book in plain language so that more people can understand it. We wrote this book for autistic people, but anyone can read it. If you are not autistic, this book can help you support autistic people you know. If you are wondering whether you might be autistic, this book can help you learn more. If you are autistic, think you might be autistic, or if you want to better understand autistic people, this book is for you. Welcome to the autistic community!… (meer)
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Extremely basic and can get repetitive. I could see this being good for someone who knows absolutely nothing about autism. It's a decent starter book. I'd say about half meant for autistic folks and half meant for others (family, friends, allies). ( )
  eklein86 | May 27, 2022 |
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Autistic Self Advocacy Networkprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Berry, LarArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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This book is about what it means to be a part of the autistic community. Autistic people wrote this book. Some autistic people are just learning about their autism. We wanted to welcome them and give them a lot of important information all in one place. This book talks about what autism is and how it affects our lives. It talks about our history, our community, and our rights. We wrote this book in plain language so that more people can understand it. We wrote this book for autistic people, but anyone can read it. If you are not autistic, this book can help you support autistic people you know. If you are wondering whether you might be autistic, this book can help you learn more. If you are autistic, think you might be autistic, or if you want to better understand autistic people, this book is for you. Welcome to the autistic community!

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
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