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Flock (The Ravenhood)

door Kate Stewart

Reeksen: The Ravenhood (1)

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8151228,214 (4.12)Geen
INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE, CAN'T MISS BONUS SCENE BETWEEN CECELIA AND SEAN! Discover the first in Tiktok phenom Kate Stewart's internationally bestselling Ravenhood trilogy, a deliciously steamy, irresistibly edgy and suspenseful Robin Hood retelling that offers a thoroughly unique modern-day spin on the original brotherhood of morally gray bad boys - for fans of Lauren Asher and Ana Huang. Can you keep a secret? The one thing Cecelia Horner knows about her move to Triple Falls is, it'll be temporary. After one year working for her elusive father at his factory, he'll hand over the inheritance she needs to help her single mother. With that, Cecelia will leave the town, and everyone in it, behind forever. On her first day, she collides with her new supervisor, Sean. Enigmatic, charming, irresistible, Sean lures Cecelia into a new world of sex, lies, and alliances. Determined to make the most of her time in Triple Falls, Cecelia allows herself to blindly fall. But the more Cecelia is drawn in, the stronger her belief that Sean is keeping a secret. A secret that Dominic, Sean's best friend, and the darkest, most dangerous of his crew, is determined to keep Cecelia from uncovering. Cecelia discovers something else-a maelstrom of untapped desires within herself along with a powerful pull of first love. The more Cecelia becomes immersed in Sean and Dominic's perilous world, the more she starts to realize that the men she's trusted are hiding far more than she could have ever imagined. And the secret they're hiding just might be the thing to break her fall.… (meer)
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1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I was one of the people who liked this story but wasn't gaga over it like everyone else. Don't get me wrong, it was a good book. However, it wasn't until halfway through Exodus and then finally The Finish Line that I was swept away. I loved these characters so much that I bought the trilogy after I initially read them on Kindle Unlimited. I thought that would be enough to sate my addiction to this amazing cast of characters. I was wrong because, recently, my entire For You Page on TikTok has been inundated with videos of Cee and these crazy bird boys. Hearing their voices from the audio clips from the book prompted me to buy them all, even though I never read audiobooks.

I am glad that I changed my stance on audiobooks because this made it even better. I am surprised that I can even say that because I struggle with the voices not living up to how I hear them in my head. The narrators made these characters come alive on the page. Every nuance from a sigh to sarcasm or even emotions was felt. It made this book even better. I am not sure how I will handle the emotions in the second or final book because this one stung. I am not sure if that is just because I know what is coming or because I am just invested in hearing these characters come to life.

I would recommend this audiobook 1000%. It truly is an experience. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.3 stars

I'm not sure what is even going on in this story. What I do know, is that, per usual this author has mesmerized me with the stylistic choices that she uses when crafting a sentence. I'm still lost as hell but I'm all in to figure out the answers to my questions. Especially, the way this one ended. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
I’m really struggling with what to rate this.
There were parts I really enjoyed, but other parts where I couldn’t stop myself saying WTF, or just plain being super confused.
I feel like I need to read the next one to see what happens, but I’m not looking forward to it and I likely won’t pick it up any time soon. ( )
  Danielle.Desrochers | Oct 10, 2023 |
"The only love I've ever known or craved is the kind that keeps me sick, sick with longing, sick with lust, sick with need, sick with grief. The distorted kind that leaves scars and jaded hearts."

I grew up sick. Let me clarify. I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy. Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted in my illness. When I lived this story, my own twisted fairy tale, it was unbeknownst to me at the time because I was young and naive. I gave into temptation and fed the beating beast, which grew thirstier with every slash, every strike, every blow. Triple Falls wasn't at all what it seemed, nor were the men that swept me under their wing. But in order to keep them, I had to be in on their secrets. Secrets that cost us everything to keep. That's the novelty of fiction versus reality. You can't re-live your own love story, because by the time you've realized you're living it, it's over. At least that was the case for me and the men I trusted my foolish heart to. Looking back, I'm convinced I willed my story into existence due to my illness. And all were punished.
This book starts off with a bang with Cecilia fleeing her old life and returning to the town that managed to destroy her in one summer. We are then transported back into that summer when Cecilia is a young, naive, 19 year old girl. She's gone to live with her estranged father to inherit her fortune and take care of her mother. Yet, she decides early on this is the summer she truly lives and experiences things. Which is how she becomes involved with Sean and Dominic, two men who are very good at keeping secrets. Sean is determined to prove that Cecilia is strong enough to be part of their world, and little by little they introduce her to it, always giving her the choice to walk away. The book is full of so much tension, and the secrets really make everything so much more intense. Cecilia is thrown into the action of their world, while also being kept in the dark, all while they teach her to see the world the way they do.
Cecilia becomes enchanted with Sean and Dominic and loves them both deeply and fiercely, it's actually a beautiful and moving dynamic. Though she is younger, she finds two souls who each compliment some part of her, and she them. Sean, Dominic and Cecilia form a bond that seems extremely solid. Dominic, who doesn't let anyone in, let's her into his world and is happy that she's with Sean also because of the things Sean can give her. Ultimately, as with all great love stories, they encounter an obstacle that is bigger than all of them, and that bond is tested. The fallout of this situation was emotional and yes, the book ends on a cliffhanger. This is one of those books, where you just know you are going to be ruined but you don't even care because it's so good. ( )
  BookReviewsbyTaylor | Mar 13, 2023 |
Bad boys meet good girl. This was a book that was full of tension and had you rooting for one, then the other and hoping the best for the girl. Emotions! Nothing but emotions and then more emotions. Good Lord! Half the time I felt like I was reliving my youth and then the other half I was screaming at Cecelia to hold back, go for it! I couldn’t wait to get to book 2! ( )
  BrandiKae | Feb 20, 2023 |
1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE, CAN'T MISS BONUS SCENE BETWEEN CECELIA AND SEAN! Discover the first in Tiktok phenom Kate Stewart's internationally bestselling Ravenhood trilogy, a deliciously steamy, irresistibly edgy and suspenseful Robin Hood retelling that offers a thoroughly unique modern-day spin on the original brotherhood of morally gray bad boys - for fans of Lauren Asher and Ana Huang. Can you keep a secret? The one thing Cecelia Horner knows about her move to Triple Falls is, it'll be temporary. After one year working for her elusive father at his factory, he'll hand over the inheritance she needs to help her single mother. With that, Cecelia will leave the town, and everyone in it, behind forever. On her first day, she collides with her new supervisor, Sean. Enigmatic, charming, irresistible, Sean lures Cecelia into a new world of sex, lies, and alliances. Determined to make the most of her time in Triple Falls, Cecelia allows herself to blindly fall. But the more Cecelia is drawn in, the stronger her belief that Sean is keeping a secret. A secret that Dominic, Sean's best friend, and the darkest, most dangerous of his crew, is determined to keep Cecelia from uncovering. Cecelia discovers something else-a maelstrom of untapped desires within herself along with a powerful pull of first love. The more Cecelia becomes immersed in Sean and Dominic's perilous world, the more she starts to realize that the men she's trusted are hiding far more than she could have ever imagined. And the secret they're hiding just might be the thing to break her fall.

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1 4
2 4
3 12
3.5 4
4 24
4.5 3
5 44

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