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BLIND SIGHT (Lucille Pfiffer Cozy Mystery Series Book 1)

door Tanya R. Taylor

Reeksen: Lucille Pfiffer (1)

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722,431,834 (3.75)Geen
"Lucille Pfiffer sees, but not with her eyes. She lives with her beloved dog Vanilla ('Nilla' for short) in a cozy neighborhood that is quite 'active' due to what occurred in the distant past. Though totally blind, she plays an integral role in helping to solve pressing and puzzling mysteries, one right after the other, which, without her, might remain unsolved. The question is: How can she do any of that with such a handicap?"--Page 4 of cover.… (meer)
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Lucille Pfiffer lives with her little Shih Tzu named Vanilla (Nilla for short) in Chadsworth. Lucille rents rooms to young men not because she needs the income but because, truth be told, since her husband Donnie died, she’s not comfortable living alone. Lucille is hostessing a party at her home to commemorate the evening that would have been her 50th wedding anniversary. The evening is memorable but sadly, because the girlfriend of one of her young renters dies. If Lucille doesn’t intervene, this young man will be more than a person of interest but pronounced guilty before he’s even arrested.

A lighthearted paranormal cozy. It was lovely to feel the warm acceptance of neighbors and friends coming to help Lucille celebrate her 50th anniversary rather than staying home alone. I enjoyed the portrayal of Lucille with her care and delight in the companionship of Nilla, her friendship with Merlene and her renters, and her clever trap that wraps her investigation. However, Lucille sometimes seemed older than 68 years old, and I didn't find her character portrayal consistent. I do not anticipate continuing to read the series.

Note: Due to language, it cannot be marketed as a clean cozy mystery. ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | Dec 3, 2022 |
I liked book one, but I had no clue of who killed Sabrina. I was amazed with Lucille's "inner sight" and how a sixty-eight year old BLINDED woman who eat the police in solving the crime, AND I AM HOOKED!! ( )
  HOTCHA | May 22, 2022 |
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I carefully descended the air-conditioned jitney and started down the sidewalk with my cane in hand and Nilla, my pet Shih Tzu on leash at my side.
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"Lucille Pfiffer sees, but not with her eyes. She lives with her beloved dog Vanilla ('Nilla' for short) in a cozy neighborhood that is quite 'active' due to what occurred in the distant past. Though totally blind, she plays an integral role in helping to solve pressing and puzzling mysteries, one right after the other, which, without her, might remain unsolved. The question is: How can she do any of that with such a handicap?"--Page 4 of cover.

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