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Jacob: a brief theological introduction (2020)

door Deidre Nicole Green

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271889,293 (4.2)Geen
"What could I have done more for my vineyard?" In one of the Book of Mormon s most magisterial passages, the lord of a vineyard looks over his beloved olive trees with great sorrow and strives to redeem them. This allegory represents Jesus Christ s labor to save not only individual souls but an entire world. Perhaps more than any other Book of Mormon prophet, Jacob manifests the same divine anxiety, having been born in a wild wilderness and inheriting the task of uniting a divided people. In this brief theological introduction, Deidre Nicole Green presents Jacob as a vulnerable and empathic religious leader deeply concerned about social justice. As a teacher consecrated by his brother Nephi, Jacob insists on continuity between religious and social life. His personal experiences of suffering, his compassion for those in society s margins, and his concern for equality are inseparable from his testimony of Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, Jacob lovingly and mournfully seeks to nurture a f… (meer)
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My favorite of this series so far. I never really thought about Jacob much—it's much easier to focus on the larger-than-life personalities like Nephi and Moroni. But while he doesn't get a lot of page time in the Book of Mormon, Jacob, for me, is one of the most relatable prophets. And the doctrine he taught is extremely relevant today. I really appreciated the many insights Green was able to glean from such a short book. ( )
  AngelClaw | Sep 28, 2021 |
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"What could I have done more for my vineyard?" In one of the Book of Mormon s most magisterial passages, the lord of a vineyard looks over his beloved olive trees with great sorrow and strives to redeem them. This allegory represents Jesus Christ s labor to save not only individual souls but an entire world. Perhaps more than any other Book of Mormon prophet, Jacob manifests the same divine anxiety, having been born in a wild wilderness and inheriting the task of uniting a divided people. In this brief theological introduction, Deidre Nicole Green presents Jacob as a vulnerable and empathic religious leader deeply concerned about social justice. As a teacher consecrated by his brother Nephi, Jacob insists on continuity between religious and social life. His personal experiences of suffering, his compassion for those in society s margins, and his concern for equality are inseparable from his testimony of Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, Jacob lovingly and mournfully seeks to nurture a f

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