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Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry

door Joel R. Beeke

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"Beeke and Thompson provide biblical, practical, and effective tools to handle all types of criticism and to respond with godly wisdom. A vital tool for church leaders and pastors"--
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In Pastor’s and their Critics Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Theological Seminary, and his co-author, Nick Thompson, a seminarian, address a very real but seldom discussed aspect of pastoral ministry, criticism of the pastor. What shapes does it take? How is it given? How is it received? What does the Bible have to say about the subject? What harm can it bring to the pastor, his ministry, and his congregation? What benefit can it bring to the pastor, his ministry, and his congregation? All these questions are answered from a standpoint that is both resolutely biblical and thoroughly pastoral. In addition to his role as an academic in preparing those called to the pastorate Beeke draws off of the experiences gained in 40 years of pastoral ministry, while Thompson adds the perspective of one who seeks to be prepared as he steps into his own pastoral ministry. I believe that this book would be helpful for the young and/or person who is new to ministry as a calling, as the learning curve from preparation to practice and be quite steep and handling criticism in ways that do more harm than good is an easy pitfall to make at that time in one’s ministry. As someone who has been in ministry for 7+ years, in my mid-50’s and after a full career in a different vocation, I found this volume helpful in understanding some of those times I have faced criticism, as well as giving me a framework to guide any future episodes of criticism that may come my way. May your ministry be blessed through the wisdom Beeke and Thompson provide in these pages. ( )
  BradKautz | Sep 13, 2020 |
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"Beeke and Thompson provide biblical, practical, and effective tools to handle all types of criticism and to respond with godly wisdom. A vital tool for church leaders and pastors"--

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