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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Vol. 1: Galaxy's Deadliest

door Ethan Sacks

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492538,056 (2.82)Geen
"Never betray a bounty hunter - especially if it's Boba Fett! Years ago, Valance and Bossk joined Fett on a mission that went sideways in a bad way, thanks to a violent betrayal by Valance's mentor Nakano Lash! The trio barely escaped with their lives. Now, Lash has finally resurfaced under mysterious circumstances - and every bounty hunter in the galaxy wants a piece. Valance is hell-bent on getting to the prize first; after all, he has score to settle... but so does Boba Fett! With a slew of assassins on her tail, what could have possibly made Lash break her word and betray her protégé? The truth could shake the foundations of the galaxy's criminal underworld! The biggest, baddest bounty hunters of all clash in a rip-roaring tale of scum and villainy, Star Wars-style!"--Provided by publisher.… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
I read this in honor of May the 4th and man was I disappointed.

Surface level impressions based on the cover: "fun phew-phew laser guns and badass bounty hunters fighting each other! But I wonder if the story is any good?"

I really wanted to like this. But this is one of the worst star wars stories I have read. Boba Fett, Valance, Bossk and T’onga (the employer of Valance) are after a woman named Nakano Lash. The reason all the bounty hunters track Nakano Lash is retribution for the murder of the syndicate heir. However, T’onga learns it wasn’t Lash who killed her brother…it was Boba Fett. Then, Boba Fett shows up and kills her. T’onga, shot in the back and brutally depicted. Killing the single queer person of color, who also happens to be the most interesting character in the series, for the sake of a cliffhanger and Boba Fett’s dramatic entrance says a lot about our author Ethan Sacks. It also says a lot about many Star Wars fans.

Look, I love Star Wars and I dig Boba Fett and Bossk. I like it when Star Wars goes dark. I love Revenge of the Sith and I love the Evil Vader scene in Rogue One. But at the end of the day, Star Wars is about hope - even if its overall story being told is bleak, there is still a sliver of hope.

But sadly, this was a chaotic, disjointed, and offensive mess. And I really didn't understand Fett's motivation. Maybe that will be cleared up in Vol. 2? But I don't think I'll be reading that one. ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | Jan 16, 2021 |
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"Never betray a bounty hunter - especially if it's Boba Fett! Years ago, Valance and Bossk joined Fett on a mission that went sideways in a bad way, thanks to a violent betrayal by Valance's mentor Nakano Lash! The trio barely escaped with their lives. Now, Lash has finally resurfaced under mysterious circumstances - and every bounty hunter in the galaxy wants a piece. Valance is hell-bent on getting to the prize first; after all, he has score to settle... but so does Boba Fett! With a slew of assassins on her tail, what could have possibly made Lash break her word and betray her protégé? The truth could shake the foundations of the galaxy's criminal underworld! The biggest, baddest bounty hunters of all clash in a rip-roaring tale of scum and villainy, Star Wars-style!"--Provided by publisher.

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