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Dangerous Games (The Peacemaker Book 2)

door Blair Howard

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A new Peacemaker. A kidnapping, a murder and a phone call.Albert Westwood, aka Nero, former British special forces sniper extraordinaire and ex-mercenary, just wants to be left alone and live a normal life.The problem is he's a wanted man. A Queen's pardon in return for one more job could be just what he needs. But the job could also be his last.Casey Wu, ex-CIA operative turned assassin for hire, is furious. She's being forced to take a job she normally wouldn't touch. But she has no choice. Her family's lives are at stake.Once again, Westwood and Wu find themselves on opposite sides in a dangerous game.Can they work together again and find the Peacemaker before he unleashes his reign of terror?If you love Jack Reacher or John Wick, you'll love Westwood and Wu and you'll burn through Dangerous Games, a lightning paced, edge of your seat thriller that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.Get your copy of Dangerous Games and stand by for a wild ride.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordatrappert, johnbentley, wvteddy

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Al Westwood, aka Nero, is enjoying life and considers himself retired when his old buddy Jack calls him with the offer of a queen's pardon if he does one more job. He thought they had eliminated the Peacemakers on the last job but found the organization is much larger than they anticipated. Casey Wu is back and we are introduced to Lizette as they embark on this dangerous mission that is personal to Casey. As always with Blair Howard, I loved this book. His characters are richly detailed and always interesting whether you like them or not. He has a way with words that truly paints a vivid scene for the reader. Action abounds nonstop in this fast paced easy to read but hard to put down book. I look forward to more in this series. Thanks to the author for giving me an advance copy of this book. ( )
  wvteddy | Nov 25, 2020 |
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A new Peacemaker. A kidnapping, a murder and a phone call.Albert Westwood, aka Nero, former British special forces sniper extraordinaire and ex-mercenary, just wants to be left alone and live a normal life.The problem is he's a wanted man. A Queen's pardon in return for one more job could be just what he needs. But the job could also be his last.Casey Wu, ex-CIA operative turned assassin for hire, is furious. She's being forced to take a job she normally wouldn't touch. But she has no choice. Her family's lives are at stake.Once again, Westwood and Wu find themselves on opposite sides in a dangerous game.Can they work together again and find the Peacemaker before he unleashes his reign of terror?If you love Jack Reacher or John Wick, you'll love Westwood and Wu and you'll burn through Dangerous Games, a lightning paced, edge of your seat thriller that will keep you turning the pages late into the night.Get your copy of Dangerous Games and stand by for a wild ride.

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