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When You Least Expect It

door Haley Cass

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456579,517 (4.22)Geen
Caroline Parker knows three things to be true. First, she is going to be Boston's most sought after divorce attorney by thirty-five. Second, given how terrible her romantic track record is, falling in love isn't in the cards for her. And third, Christmas only brings her bad luck-being broken up with not once, not twice, but three times during the holidays is proof enough of that. When she runs into Hannah Dalton on Christmas Eve, she has no reason to believe her luck will change. After all, though Hannah is probably the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen, she's also straight. And married to Caroline's work rival. While being hired by Hannah throws her for a loop, winning a divorce case and sticking it to her ex-colleague should be enough of a thrill. But as the months slip by, bringing her closer to both Hannah and her adorable daughter Abbie, the lines between attorney and client begin to blur. And she could have never predicted just how much she wants them to. Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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As far as sapphic romance novels go, this was pretty enjoyable. Good character building, a slowly burning romance and a decent plot. ( )
  jenkies720 | Jun 7, 2024 |
Torturously slow-burn, adorable, hot and everything I wanted it to be. I had a great time, the book covers around a years time so let me repeat- s l o w b u r n -I am right there with Abbacado shipping these two and just begging for them to realise they’re perfect for each other, head-over-heels and just goddamn jump each other already ( )
  katejo99 | Jan 28, 2023 |
This was an up and down reading experience for me. The storytelling and chemistry was so damn good. So. Damn. Good. I fell in love with Hannah and Abbie and felt for Caroline. The sexual tension was off the charts and I wanted these two women to have the best HEA ever.

So what was my problem? Grammar, writing style, and misused and overused words. My biggest pet peeves all over the pages. I didn't look to see if there was an editor mentioned but I'd be surprised if one was used. Even a good proofreader would have been helpful. And if a good editor and/or proofreader was used, the author may not have taken the advice offered. I don't know what was involved but this could have easily been a five star book - and an automatic entry on my "funk reading list" - if it hadn't been for the insanity that was randomly placed commas, possessives where plurals were intended, and paragraphs so muddled with pronouns that I literally had no idea who was doing what after several rereads.

I started out with the audio book but I couldn't figure out what was going on in too many places because the narrator (who did a fine job) had to deal with all the commas and dashes that many passages ended up word salad. I switched to the ebook and it was a better experience because I could see the punctuation and figure it out.

If these things weren't an issue, Haley Cass would move right up to one of my favorite authors. I finished the book last night and haven't been able to get the characters out of my head. I really connected with them and loved the story so much. But the proofreader in me just can't get past the issues with the writing so I don't know that I'll try another.

I know that these things don't matter to everyone but if they do to you, go into this read fully expecting to be frustrated. But even with all the troubles I had with it, When You Least Expect It still gets a pretty high rating because Ms Cass can tell a beautiful, heartfelt tale. ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
When I say I want to read a romance novel, I mean THIS. The whole story was so satisfying to experience. There was NO unnecessary and forced drama. The issues that came up were realistic and sometimes heartbreaking. Yet, they made sense. And why? Because they suited the characters and were not created to drag out the plot. I would also like to emphasise that the book has a comfortable length. It's not too short and not too long. Just perfect.

The main characters are Caroline and Hannah. Caroline is a successful lawyer and represents Hannah, who wants to divorce her husband. He is none other than Caroline's work nemesis, so she helps Hannah without hesitation.

During the divorce, the two women get to know each other better and form a friendship. The closer the two get, the more Hannah opens up and reveals how much she had to give up to please her husband.

But what particularly impressed me was the relationship between Abby, Hannah's daughter, and Caroline. The two build a strong bond and become inseparable. So cute! I'm not usually into stories involving children, but it just worked here. Honestly, all the main characters are incredibly likeable, and I was rooting for them until the end.

After "Those Who Wait", Haley Cass has also convinced with this story. I look forward to many more books from her.

Find more reviews on my blog WordsAndFiction. ( )
  wordsandfiction | Mar 5, 2022 |
If I could crawl into a book and live there, I'd choose a book from Haley Cass.

Caroline and Hannah are perfect for each other and following them on this super slow-burn twelve month journey was torturous and amazing and the perfect story to escape into, right when I really needed it.

All the stars. Do yourself a huge favour and check it out! ( )
  anxovert | Dec 18, 2021 |
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Haley Cassprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Prince, LoriVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Caroline Parker knows three things to be true. First, she is going to be Boston's most sought after divorce attorney by thirty-five. Second, given how terrible her romantic track record is, falling in love isn't in the cards for her. And third, Christmas only brings her bad luck-being broken up with not once, not twice, but three times during the holidays is proof enough of that. When she runs into Hannah Dalton on Christmas Eve, she has no reason to believe her luck will change. After all, though Hannah is probably the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen, she's also straight. And married to Caroline's work rival. While being hired by Hannah throws her for a loop, winning a divorce case and sticking it to her ex-colleague should be enough of a thrill. But as the months slip by, bringing her closer to both Hannah and her adorable daughter Abbie, the lines between attorney and client begin to blur. And she could have never predicted just how much she wants them to. Contains mature themes.

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