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Omega Mine: Search for a Soulmate

door Halsey Harlow

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Omega Mine: Search for a Soulmate is about Alpha Hank Morrow, a police officer and bear shifter, and Evan Vaughn, an unmatched Omega. The story is told in third person from Hank, and his boss David’s, povs.

Before I start my review, I want to point out that Halsey Harlow is the pen name of Leta Blake and has been released under her current name. There’s a note by the author at the end, where she talks about how she wrote the story something like ten years ago. That’s evident mostly in her writing style, which is not as polished as her current writing style. Also, Evan carries an mp3 player with him, which isn’t in as much use now since people have their phones to play their music. If I hadn’t read past the end of the story, which I usually don’t, I wouldn’t have discovered this information about this book. If it was me, I’d move the author’s note to the front of the book so readers can have the info first rather than last.

I enjoyed this story. The plot wasn’t complicated, and thankfully didn’t dwell on the aspects of a reality show all that much because I don’t like them. The story is character based and the author does a terrific job of revealing who Hank and Evan are and their personal growth.

Hank isn’t a people person or a shifter person. He likes being alone and in his case being alone is making his Alpha symptoms worse. That’s why his boss orders him to become a contestant on the show, to find his omega mate. If he doesn’t, the consequences to Hank and those around him would be dire. The author did a great job of creating particularly unique and interesting traits of Alpha shifters that I’ve never read before. Suffice it to say, an Alpha must become mated to an omega. At first, I detested Evan. He was absolutely obnoxious, pushy, and never stopped talking. Over the length of the story the author revealed that Evan is kind-hearted, optimistic, helpful and pretty much likes everyone, and with that clever writing, had me liking him at the end. Hank is the opposite, he’s also in the closet, but he doesn’t know it.

I love character growth stories, and Hank’s revelations about himself, his past, and all the epiphanies he had was due to Evan’s pushing and helping Hank, not without a lot of resistance from Hank of course. The characters made the story fascinating.

At first, I was surprised by the second pov in this story being from Hank’s boss, David. I couldn’t understand why the author chose him. But by the end, it made sense to give us, the readers an outsider’s view, to make it more like a reality TV show, and to show how Hank’s co-workers felt about him, and his finding a mate.

Despite Omega Mine: Search for a Soulmate not being as polished as the author’s current writing, I really enjoyed the plot and especially the characters. I give this book a solid 4 stars. It was a fun read.

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  Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
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