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The Perfect Ruin

door Shanora Williams

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1538184,862 (3.74)Geen
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:A thrilling new novel of lies, deception, and revenge from the bestselling author, perfect for fans of B.A. Paris and Joshilyn Jackson! The glamour of Miami has a dark side in this twisting story where nothing is what it seems, as one wronged woman seeks to destroy the seemingly perfect life of one of the city's most revered socialites.
"A shocking, sensual thriller with sharp twists." —Tarryn Fisher, New York Times bestselling author of The Wives
"Twisty and impossible to put down! 10/10 recommend." —Claire Contreras, New York Times bestselling author
"I was hooked from the very first twist." —Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author of Every Last Secret
Book Riot Best Summer 2021 Thrillers
BiblioLifestyle Most Anticipated Summer 2021 Thrillers, Mysteries, And Suspense Novels
Publishers Marketplace BUZZ BOOKS Selection
BookBub Best Thrillers and Mysteries Coming Out This Summer
A brutal tragedy ended Ivy Hill's happy family and childhood. Now in her twenties and severely troubled, she barely has a life—or much to live for. Until the day she discovers the name of the woman who destroyed her world: Lola Maxwell—the mega-wealthy socialite with a heart, Miami's beloved "first lady" of charity. Accomplished, gorgeous, and oh-so-caring, Lola has the best of everything—and doesn't deserve any of it. So it's only right that Ivy take it all away . . .

Little by little, Ivy infiltrates Lola's elite circle, becomes her new best friend—and plays Lola's envious acquaintances and hangers-on against her. But seducing Lola's handsome, devoted surgeon husband turns into a passionate dream Ivy suddenly can't control. And soon, an insidious someone will twist Ivy's revenge into a nightmare of deception, secrets, and betrayal that Ivy may not wake up from . . .

"An ideal summer read."

"This fast-paced and incredibly entertaining book is perfect for devouring by the poolside."
—Off the Shelf
… (meer)
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In a nutshell: I liked this book more than I had expected. It will click with you if you want a light and entertaining suspense thriller that you can read without taxing your brains much.

27 year old Ivy’s happy childhood was destroyed after a tragic accident. For many years, she has been struggling with mental health issues. Now at last, she has discovered the name of the woman who ruined her life: Lola Maxwell, an uber-wealthy socialite with a heart of gold when it comes to charity. Ivy now has just one agenda: plotting and executing “the perfect ruin” for Lola.

The characters in the story are quite interesting. At the start, Lola is the perfect angel with the heart of gold, and Ivy, though seemingly justified in her vengeful agenda, comes across as an angry bitch. But soon the layers start unfolding and you begin to see the other side of these two personalities, and of those around them. Not a single character in the book comes in black or white. They come in a whole spectrum of gray. I didn’t like any of the characters, nor did I feel sorry for any of them. It felt like they got what they deserved. The story is an ode to “what goes around, comes around” but in a sinister way.

My fellow Indians will understand me when I say that this is a perfect “masala” story. (In fact, it will adapt very well to the screen!) The way Ivy plans her way into Lola’s life and becomes an integral part of it is quite farfetched but a lot of the loopholes get explained along the way. (And whatever can’t be explained is ignored conveniently.)

This is the first thriller by romance writer Shanora Williams. And I sure am grateful that I didn’t know this fact before, for two reasons:
( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
I did enjoy this book as Ivy tried to weasel her way into Lola’s life because she found out she was responsible for killing her parents. Well Ivy might think she has the upper hand but she is wrong. There are other players trying to take Lola down. Unexpected twists!

Thank you @bibliolifestyle @kensingtonbooks for the gifted copy. ( )
  GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
Like a Lifetime movie where most of the characters are psychotic, liars, despicable, or all three.
Not at all believable, and the ending is left open for a sequel.
It is is entertaining in a funny way. Perfect book to read for noisy airports, beaches and pools as concentration, is not required, to blow through this book. ( )
  zmagic69 | Mar 31, 2023 |
Well that was an unexpected ending. I love how Shanora Williams lulls you into believing we are just learning Ivy's story, then BAM! she throws you for a loop and you are left wondering how you missed all the signs. I will definitely looks for more books written by Shanora in the future. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Jan 7, 2023 |
Slow burn but interesting listen. Ending left me wondering. ( )
  shelleyp6 | Jan 21, 2022 |
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:A thrilling new novel of lies, deception, and revenge from the bestselling author, perfect for fans of B.A. Paris and Joshilyn Jackson! The glamour of Miami has a dark side in this twisting story where nothing is what it seems, as one wronged woman seeks to destroy the seemingly perfect life of one of the city's most revered socialites.
"A shocking, sensual thriller with sharp twists." —Tarryn Fisher, New York Times bestselling author of The Wives
"Twisty and impossible to put down! 10/10 recommend." —Claire Contreras, New York Times bestselling author
"I was hooked from the very first twist." —Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author of Every Last Secret
Book Riot Best Summer 2021 Thrillers
BiblioLifestyle Most Anticipated Summer 2021 Thrillers, Mysteries, And Suspense Novels
Publishers Marketplace BUZZ BOOKS Selection
BookBub Best Thrillers and Mysteries Coming Out This Summer
A brutal tragedy ended Ivy Hill's happy family and childhood. Now in her twenties and severely troubled, she barely has a life—or much to live for. Until the day she discovers the name of the woman who destroyed her world: Lola Maxwell—the mega-wealthy socialite with a heart, Miami's beloved "first lady" of charity. Accomplished, gorgeous, and oh-so-caring, Lola has the best of everything—and doesn't deserve any of it. So it's only right that Ivy take it all away . . .

Little by little, Ivy infiltrates Lola's elite circle, becomes her new best friend—and plays Lola's envious acquaintances and hangers-on against her. But seducing Lola's handsome, devoted surgeon husband turns into a passionate dream Ivy suddenly can't control. And soon, an insidious someone will twist Ivy's revenge into a nightmare of deception, secrets, and betrayal that Ivy may not wake up from . . .

"An ideal summer read."

"This fast-paced and incredibly entertaining book is perfect for devouring by the poolside."
—Off the Shelf

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