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Trust Me

door T. M. Logan

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834334,399 (3.62)Geen
Two strangers, a child, and a split second choice that will change everything. Ellen was just trying to help a stranger. That was how it started, giving a few minutes respite to a flustered young mother sitting opposite her on the train. A few minutes holding her baby while the mother makes an urgent call. The weight of the child in her arms making Ellen's heart ache for what she can never have. Five minutes pass. Ten. The train pulls into a station and Ellen is stunned to see the mother hurrying away down the platform, without looking back. Leaving her baby behind. Ellen is about to raise the alarm when she discovers a note in the baby's bag, three desperate lines scrawled hastily on a piece of paper, Please protect Mia. Don't trust the police. Don't trust anyone. Why would a mother abandon her child to a stranger? Ellen is about to discover that the baby in her arms might hold the key to an unspeakable crime. And doing the right thing might just cost her everything.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
"Trust Me" was my third T.M. Logan novel and the best so far. It was a fast-paced, gripping read from start to finish. It follows the story of Ellen who finds herself with a baby after a young woman leaves Mia with her along with a note that states not to trust anyone, even the police. Gradually, and to her shock, Ellen discovers she is holding the key to a crime in her arms but she is determined to do anything to keep Mia safe.

I loved little Mia and found myself hoping nothing would harm her. Ellen was a capable woman although she did make some silly decisions that left me shaking my head and asking why. However, I did admire her protective instinct as she tried to unravel the mystery surrounding Mia's mother, Kathryn.

This was an exciting thriller with lots of twists and turns along the way that made for an entertaining read. With multiple suspects, unsolved murders, fear of trusting the wrong person and a shocking conclusion, I found "Trust Me" a difficult novel to put down. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Mar 13, 2023 |
Ellen Devlin is on a train, sitting opposite a young mother with a baby. The mother looks flustered and needs to take a call. Ellen is asked to hold the baby whilst the mother goes to make the call, however the mother doesn't come back.

I have read a couple of books so far by this author and have enjoyed them. This book I've heard good things about so gave it a go.

I enjoyed the book but it's not my favourite by the author so far. What I have found is that the books are fast paced and snappy. The story had enough to keep my interest and I did want to find out what was going to happen. I did however guess who the baddie was but not straight away as there are a few twists along the way.

The book was enjoyable and I will continue to read books by this author. ( )
  tina1969 | Jun 20, 2021 |
If you're after a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, looking over your shoulder and not able to put down then this is the book for you. It keeps you guessing all the way to the end before you find out who was behind it all.
Ellen's world gets turned upside down one day when she's on a train home from a heartbreaking appointment not knowing the baby she holds for a few minutes will change her live forever.
It's a fast moving book with a great storyline, throw in a couple of twists and turns and you have this book. It's almost like an addiction - you're wanting more everytime you have to put it down, it stays in your head, in your thoughts and in your dreams until you reach for it and carry on where you left off.
Possibly one of the best books I've read in a very long time, maybe ever!
A truly brilliant thriller that I'm glad I got to read and will read again over and over! ( )
  Bookworm_2017 | Apr 16, 2021 |
If you're after a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, looking over your shoulder and not able to put down then this is the book for you. It keeps you guessing all the way to the end before you find out who was behind it all.
Ellen's world gets turned upside down one day when she's on a train home from a heartbreaking appointment not knowing the baby she holds for a few minutes will change her live forever.
It's a fast moving book with a great storyline, throw in a couple of twists and turns and you have this book. It's almost like an addiction - you're wanting more everytime you have to put it down, it stays in your head, in your thoughts and in your dreams until you reach for it and carry on where you left off.
Possibly one of the best books I've read in a very long time, maybe ever!
A truly brilliant thriller that I'm glad I got to read and will read again over and over! ( )
  Bookworm2017 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Toon 4 van 4
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Two strangers, a child, and a split second choice that will change everything. Ellen was just trying to help a stranger. That was how it started, giving a few minutes respite to a flustered young mother sitting opposite her on the train. A few minutes holding her baby while the mother makes an urgent call. The weight of the child in her arms making Ellen's heart ache for what she can never have. Five minutes pass. Ten. The train pulls into a station and Ellen is stunned to see the mother hurrying away down the platform, without looking back. Leaving her baby behind. Ellen is about to raise the alarm when she discovers a note in the baby's bag, three desperate lines scrawled hastily on a piece of paper, Please protect Mia. Don't trust the police. Don't trust anyone. Why would a mother abandon her child to a stranger? Ellen is about to discover that the baby in her arms might hold the key to an unspeakable crime. And doing the right thing might just cost her everything.

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