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Are You Smarter Than a Shark?: Learn How Sharks Survive in their Watery World - 100 Facts about Sharks!

door David George Gordon

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1211,660,891 (3)Geen
People once thought that sharks weren't very smart. It turns out those people were WRONG! Wise-cracking sharks set the record straight in this funny, fact-filled book for young shark lovers. Sharks have their own way of thinking. And their way of thinking has made them one of the top predators in the ocean. Sharks can sniff out injured animals over great distances. As hunters, they use their special electro-sense to zero in on hidden prey. They have taste buds in their razor-sharp teeth. And, like people, sharks are playful and curious, and they can learn and remember. In Are You Smarter Than...A Shark?, discover what makes a shark a shark, and what makes them different from other fish. Learn about countershading, mermaid's purses, dermal denticles, and more. Explore a shark's watery world and meet their finny friends and weird relatives. Five "Test Your Shark Smarts" activities let you test your senses against a shark's senses. Can you identify a secret ingredient through smell alone? Is your hearing better above or below water? How do your teeth compare to those of different sharks? Who would win a tasting contest? Best yet, Are You Smarter Than...A Shark? has humour, puny jokes and cartoon illustrations, along with robust information, make this a book you'll want to dive into again and again.… (meer)
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  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
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People once thought that sharks weren't very smart. It turns out those people were WRONG! Wise-cracking sharks set the record straight in this funny, fact-filled book for young shark lovers. Sharks have their own way of thinking. And their way of thinking has made them one of the top predators in the ocean. Sharks can sniff out injured animals over great distances. As hunters, they use their special electro-sense to zero in on hidden prey. They have taste buds in their razor-sharp teeth. And, like people, sharks are playful and curious, and they can learn and remember. In Are You Smarter Than...A Shark?, discover what makes a shark a shark, and what makes them different from other fish. Learn about countershading, mermaid's purses, dermal denticles, and more. Explore a shark's watery world and meet their finny friends and weird relatives. Five "Test Your Shark Smarts" activities let you test your senses against a shark's senses. Can you identify a secret ingredient through smell alone? Is your hearing better above or below water? How do your teeth compare to those of different sharks? Who would win a tasting contest? Best yet, Are You Smarter Than...A Shark? has humour, puny jokes and cartoon illustrations, along with robust information, make this a book you'll want to dive into again and again.

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