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Her Day to Die: A Veronica Lee Thriller

door Melinda Woodhall

Reeksen: Veronica Lee (5)

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225,380,446 (4.5)Geen
Onlangs toegevoegd doorKKECReads, Tigerpaw70
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Toon 2 van 2
Published: March 16, 2021
Creative Magnolia
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Melinda Woodhall is the author of the new Veronica Lee Thriller series, as well as the page-turning Mercy Harbor Thriller series. In addition to writing romantic thrillers and police procedurals, Melinda also writes women’s contemporary fiction as M.M. Arvin.

“Now it’s time for you to keep your promise.”

Once again, secrets find their way to Willow Bay, and our favorite team has to figure out how to save the day. Except for this time, the life on the line is Veronica’s, and the killer is stopping at nothing to silence her forever.

This book featured everyone we have gotten to know throughout this series. It was nice seeing all of the characters get a bit of the spotlight.

I felt like this book's plot was much faster-paced with less filler than the previous books. The puzzle pieces were all laid with such care, and the suspect list was so well played. When I started to think I knew who the killer was, another twist would change my mind.

I feel like the characters all had a lot of growth in this book. There was a lot of insight and internal dialogue throughout that showed just how far they have all come since book one.

I enjoyed the build-up and the fact that there was quite a bit of action in this book. The list of characters is long, but everyone is so well defined and filled out. I think there is a lot of possibility for spin-off series with these characters. I hope this isn’t the last time we will read about Willow Bay.

I felt like the ending was a tad rushed; there could have been some more build-up and some more pomp and circumstance involved, but overall I am satisfied with how things ended.

It seems the sun will shine again in Willow Bay. ( )
  KKECReads | Apr 27, 2021 |
A Veronica Lee Thriller book #5

Veronica Lee, our fearless woman sleuth and loveable investigative journalist is once again the target of a serial killer. She has been on the front line for Channel 10 TV for some time exposing the Syndicate and their Boss for a series of horrific murders...they want to silence her once and for all. But on today’s news is a man known as the “Hangman” she needs to give all her attention to him....and from then on we are into a very captivating hunt....

I love how Ms. Woodhall set the stage for her story slowly but steadily adding intrigue and suspense along from dripping clues that leads and teases us in finding the whodunit to suddenly switch direction in order to keep us guessing and tuned in this the last drop unveils everything. The intertwining stories and the many threads are smoothly blended to make a story so captivating that I simply stayed prisoner glued to the pages till the surprising ending. What a page turner that gives us a fresh, fast-paced and well written story.

What not to love with the main characters, they are developing nicely and a joy to follow. We also have recurring ones from previous stories and of course the introduction of new ones to entertain us and they do an excellent job in doing so.

This book could be a stand-alone although I am glad to have been following the series from the start.

Fabulously enjoyable read

I received a free copy of this book and I leave a voluntary review, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own. ( )
  Tigerpaw70 | Apr 13, 2021 |
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