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The Prefect door Alastair Reynolds
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The Prefect (editie 2011)

door Alastair Reynolds (Auteur), John Lee (Verteller), Tantor Audio (Publisher)

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Tom Dreyfus is a Prefect, a law enforcement officer with the Panoply. His current case: investigating a murderous attack against one of the habitats that left 900 people dead, a crime that appalls even a hardened cop like Dreyfus. But then his investigation uncovers something far more serious than mass slaughter.… (meer)
Titel:The Prefect
Auteurs:Alastair Reynolds (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:John Lee (Verteller), Tantor Audio (Publisher)
Info:Tantor Audio (2011)

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The Prefect door Alastair Reynolds

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1-5 van 49 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I really enjoyed the [b:Revelation Space|89187|Revelation Space (Revelation Space, #1)|Alastair Reynolds||219037] series and therefore grabbed this unfamiliar Alastair Reynolds novel when I saw it in the library. I'd forgotten how brilliant the world of that series and [b:Chasm City|89185|Chasm City|Alastair Reynolds||2926628] was, so found 'The Prefect' even better than I hoped. Technically it's a police procedural about a space cop, but 400 years in the future crime and policing are sufficiently different as to be fascinating. Moreover, there are themes of what role and powers the police should have, whether they should be armed, and to what extent their ends should justify their means. The setting is the Glitter Band, ten thousand orbital habitats with wildly varying political and social structures.

While the peril of the plot was highly compelling, I also really enjoyed learning about the democratic processes of the Glitter Band. The main role of the police force is to safeguard these processes by fixing any errors in the complex polling software running in every habitat. Before disaster really strikes, I loved Thalia's exhausting work trip to run patches in four habitats. One is a voluntary tyranny gone wrong, one a whimsical fairyland of flying horses and panda-people, in another everyone is fully immersed in VR and retains only the vestiges of a physical body, and the last, House Aubusson, is an arcadian direct democracy with a particularly intriguing export: influence on polls. The polling system doesn't just record one vote per person, it analyses how 'correct' that person's past votes were and adjusts the weighting of their future votes. To live on House Aubusson, your judgement has to be good enough to retain a vote-weighting above 1.25. As a lot of my recent work has been survey weighting, the implications of this are of particular interest to me. There is no mention of truly extreme weights, just a few individuals at 3 or just above, so amid millions of people a few individuals couldn't hugely bias poll results. Nonetheless, I'm curious about the effect this weighting would have over time.

All the world-building in 'The Prefect' was excellent. Strange enough to make this future vivid, yet smoothly integrated into the narrative and quick to become familiar. There are plenty of clever and amusing details. It made me smile that in a future where sleep could be prevented for over a decade using drugs, most still drink coffee. It's such a delicious stimulant and has been popular for two hundred years now, so why not! Rather than having to make your own, though, any wall will dispense a coffee then recycle the receptacle once you've finished with it. The varying levels of network connectivity ('abstraction') used in different parts of the Glitter Band were neatly shown, as was the importance of trade internally and externally.

The characters are likewise appealing. Tom Dreyfus is much more than the jaded cop with a tragically-fridged wife that he might initially seem to be. I liked the rapport he had with both his superiors and his juniors. He shares narration duties with other prefects, which definitely contributes to how involving and well-paced the plot is. After initial intimations of approaching disaster, major catastrophe hits and the prefects must contend with a combination of threats that cannot easily be countered. It's notable that they make mistakes, acknowledge these, and learn from them, as well as admitting to fear and fallibility. This is not some super-macho police squad that shoots first and asks questions never. Giving Gaffney's point of view was powerful, as it shows how a seemingly exemplary prefect could be easily radicalised into authoritarianism. He makes a great primary antagonist as he forces his colleagues to reflect on their own beliefs about ends and means.

The twists and turns of the plot are executed brilliantly. Via different points of view, the reader sees both the wider strategic picture and microcosms of disaster. Throughout, Dreyfus doggedly investigates what the hell is going on, his boss attempts to protect the Glitter Band as a whole, and his subordinates do their best to save who they can. There are some spectacularly memorable scenes and ingenious revelations. Aumonier is a wonderful character, held hostage in her own body for more than a decade by mysterious tech attached to her spine yet relentlessly competent. The moment when she's abruptly decapitated to release her from this is extraordinary, followed by her severed head being taken hostage by Gaffrey! I also found Thalia's increasingly tense struggles to survive on House Aubusson suitably thrilling. Everything to do with the Clockmaker lived up to the ominous hints dropped at the beginning.

Although the ending was almost entirely satisfying, one thing I felt remained unresolved concerned the encroaching threat Aurora convinced Gaffney about, some kind of nonspecific apocalyptic plague. It seemed plausible to me that what Exordium foresaw was Aurora's takeover of the Glitter Band: by (allegedly) trying to prevent a plague she unleashed one in the form of weevil robots. I wondered if that was why Aurora was increasingly dissatisfied by what Exordium reported in their plague predictions?
Amid these dramatic events, the narrative also considers big questions of what constitutes consciousness, how much should be sacrificed for security, and whether solidarity can be found with radically altered posthumans. This is exactly what I want from hard sci-fi. 'The Prefect' reminded me that carefully imagined and impeccably executed visions of the future are an absolute joy to read. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Realized I had read this before, under its original title The Prefect ( )
  mikedowd | Mar 24, 2024 |
Fabulous space opera police procedural with cyberpunk overtones. ( )
  roguelike | Feb 4, 2024 |
Plots and counterplots, evil artificial intelligences, mysterious death machines, betrayals and rescues, massive orbiting space habitats, last-minute escapes and unexpected setbacks, gadget weapons and super-powerful spaceships - all this flailing around in apparent complex chaos but well actually well-controlled exposition. What more could you want from an extra-terrestrial adventure? ( )
  breathslow | Jan 27, 2024 |
kaleidoscope of ideas ( )
  postsign | Dec 28, 2023 |
1-5 van 49 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Tom Dreyfus is the Prefect of the title, an agent of Panoply, the police force of the Glitter Band, an agglomeration of diverse habitats orbiting the planet Yellowstone, a satellite of the sun Epsilon Eridani, the environment where the bulk of humanity now lives. Another detective novel, then, but with Space Operatic aspects.

The setting is a return to the universe of Reynolds’s previous Revelation Space novels but in this one the action takes place solely within the Glitter Band; apparently an ultra-democratic polity where votes on anything and everything take place all the time – including on whether Panoply may deploy weapons.

Someone has used a spaceship drive to destroy the Ruskin-Sartorious habitat thereby killing hundreds of people. The obvious culprit is punished but Dreyfus’s investigations lead him to believe this is merely cover for a much wider conspiracy. One of his assistants, Thalia Ng, is sent to begin software upgrades to the voting protocols on four habitats but when the last one is completed the constant contact (known as abstraction) the voters have with the centre is broken. A takeover of all four habitats ensues. The rest of the book is concerned with the efforts of Panoply to counter this insurgency and to prevent its spread to the whole Glitter Band. On the way this leads to the unmasking of two mysterious figures from the past, Aurora and the Clockmaker. The latter has put Panoply’s chief into mortal danger.

Once the set-up is over with and the plot gets into gear, the narrative flows nicely. There are plenty of twists and turns, with shifts in the balance of power, plus wheels within wheels, inside Panoply. Dreyfus is your standard good cop but is convincing as such, as is Thalia Ng. Some of their antagonists are a little less convincing, however.

A possible spoiler follows.

The main problem with the book is that the story merely stops. After those 502 (small font sized) pages the final conflict which the narrative sets up remains unresolved. Perhaps the book was too long already. Or is Reynolds going to give us a sequel? Whatever, while enjoying the ride, I was left somewhat unsatisfied.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Alastair Reynoldsprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Moore, ChrisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Thalia Ng felt her weight increasing as the elevator sped down the spoke from the habitat’s docking hub.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Tom Dreyfus is a Prefect, a law enforcement officer with the Panoply. His current case: investigating a murderous attack against one of the habitats that left 900 people dead, a crime that appalls even a hardened cop like Dreyfus. But then his investigation uncovers something far more serious than mass slaughter.

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