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Window Shopping: the TikTok sensation! The…
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Window Shopping: the TikTok sensation! The perfect sexy winter romance (editie 2022)

door Tessa Bailey (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
414763,203 (3.79)6
Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:


A sizzling, standalone, feel-good holiday romance from Tessa Bailey, #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer!

Two weeks before Christmas and all through Manhattan,

shop windows are decorated in red and green satin.

Stella's standing alone outside a famous department store,

when a charming man asks her opinion on the décor.

It's a tragedy in tinsel, she says, unable to lie.

Then he asks for a better idea, with a twinkle in his eye.

She didn't know he owned the place, when he put her on the spot,

And now she's working for that man, trying to ignore that he's hot.

But as a down-on-her-luck girl with a difficult past,

Stella knows how to make a good opportunity last.

So she gives it her all, working without stopping.

Trying to resist temptation, because she's just window shopping.… (meer)

Titel:Window Shopping: the TikTok sensation! The perfect sexy winter romance
Auteurs:Tessa Bailey (Auteur)
Info:Piatkus (2022), 248 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Window Shopping door Tessa Bailey

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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
this book was cute to get me in the holiday spirit, but not much more than that. i enjoyed the overall plot, but i can't see myself thinking about this book much again. ( )
  abiiharrisonn | Aug 2, 2024 |
Stella is an ex-convict that has been gifted her dream opportunity as a window dresser. Though Stella had been in prison for four years and only released a month ago, her focus shifts with amazing ease from re-establishing the life put on hold to romance with her boss. It’s very on par for a rom-com, so don’t expect too much out of it. Since this revealed pretty early on Stella’s criminal history, there was potential to explore re-entry and the challenges of it. It’s hinted at but not explored in depth. Although it takes place during Christmas, it’s not very Christmasy.

That being said, it was a cute and very quick read. I powered through it in a day. For something lightweight with no expectations, this fits the bill. Stella and Aiden are cute enough together to make you root for them. ( )
  RayRosa | May 16, 2024 |
So cringe ( )
  LRegan81 | Jul 17, 2023 |
This book is short and took me a very long time to read. I think other than the It Happened One Summer pair of books I don't like Tessa Bailey books. ( )
  littlemuls | Feb 14, 2023 |
I wish I liked this more than I did, but honestly, I was disappointed by several aspects:

1. This is marketed as a Christmas party, but besides the brief mention of decorations and Christmas parties and of the main characters' past Christmases, it wasn't all that Christmassy.

2. Aiden and Stella were constantly marveling over the fact that they can be so open with each other, yet most of their conflict was from a lack of communication. It was kind of frustrating.

3. Some of the dirty talk made me cringe.

4. There was a lot of repetitive descriptions (example: Aiden is big or he smells like peppermint).

Personally, I did like Stella and Aiden. They just annoyed me sometimes. I related to some of Stella's feelings of imposter syndrome. And I related to Aiden always wanting to please his family so that they'll maybe accept him. Not the best first book of the year, but oh well. ( )
  TimeLord10SPW | Jan 5, 2023 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:


A sizzling, standalone, feel-good holiday romance from Tessa Bailey, #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer!

Two weeks before Christmas and all through Manhattan,

shop windows are decorated in red and green satin.

Stella's standing alone outside a famous department store,

when a charming man asks her opinion on the décor.

It's a tragedy in tinsel, she says, unable to lie.

Then he asks for a better idea, with a twinkle in his eye.

She didn't know he owned the place, when he put her on the spot,

And now she's working for that man, trying to ignore that he's hot.

But as a down-on-her-luck girl with a difficult past,

Stella knows how to make a good opportunity last.

So she gives it her all, working without stopping.

Trying to resist temptation, because she's just window shopping.

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Gemiddelde: (3.79)
1 2
2 5
3 10
3.5 2
4 24
4.5 3
5 13

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