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Say You're Mine a.k.a. Seduce Me Sweetly

door Iris Morland

Reeksen: Heron's Landing (1)

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2211,086,983 (3.75)Geen
She's his enemy, his downfall-and his one last chance at love. After Adam Danvers lost his wife in a tragic accident, he stopped believing in love. Instead, Adam has focused solely on running his family's struggling vineyard in the small town of Heron's Landing. When Joy McGuire, a beautiful and clever journalist, moves to the sleepy town, suddenly Adam can't control his intense attraction to her. She's witty; she pushes his buttons. He wants to shake her as much as he wants to kiss her. But Joy is a journalist, and Adam hates them all on principle. He saw firsthand how a journalist's lies destroyed his late wife. Yet as Joy proves that she's nothing like the writers he's known, Adam can't help but give in to exquisite temptation. Soon a conflagration ignites between Adam and Joy. Yet as secrets unfold, Adam must trust in love or lose the woman who's awakened his slumbering heart. This title was previously published as Seduce Me Sweetly. It's been rereleased with a brand-new look and with lightly edited content.… (meer)
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Sometimes it takes losing your heart before you find yourself ...

Tragedy left Adam a loner. Losing the women he planned to spend the rest of his life with has left Adam with two goals. To make his family vineyard a success and keep his heart under lock and key. Or so he thought. After a heartbreaking betrayal, Joy is looking for a fresh start. Finding her next story is her main concern. No drama, no romance, just work. Or so she thought.

What starts as a simple battle of wills quickly tailspins into an attraction that brings chaos in it's wake. Will fear turn a beautiful romance into the makings of an ugly tragedy? Ms. Morland is quickly leaving her mark on a rapidly growing genre. Her blend of sweet and salty romance makes an impression and left me wanting more. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
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This title was previously published as Seduce Me Sweetly. It's been rereleased with a brand-new look and with lightly edited content.
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She's his enemy, his downfall-and his one last chance at love. After Adam Danvers lost his wife in a tragic accident, he stopped believing in love. Instead, Adam has focused solely on running his family's struggling vineyard in the small town of Heron's Landing. When Joy McGuire, a beautiful and clever journalist, moves to the sleepy town, suddenly Adam can't control his intense attraction to her. She's witty; she pushes his buttons. He wants to shake her as much as he wants to kiss her. But Joy is a journalist, and Adam hates them all on principle. He saw firsthand how a journalist's lies destroyed his late wife. Yet as Joy proves that she's nothing like the writers he's known, Adam can't help but give in to exquisite temptation. Soon a conflagration ignites between Adam and Joy. Yet as secrets unfold, Adam must trust in love or lose the woman who's awakened his slumbering heart. This title was previously published as Seduce Me Sweetly. It's been rereleased with a brand-new look and with lightly edited content.

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