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The Enemy Trap

door Maren Moore

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292839,074 (3.4)Geen
Hayes Davis is America's sweetheart, the #1 hockey player in the country, and my fake fiancé. Simple, right? It would be, if my betrothed were anyone else. But it turns out America's sweetheart is arrogant, selfish, and a guy I have no intentions of letting break my heart again. It was never supposed to happen. But then one-night changes everything. Now, he's not only my pretend fiancé but my very real baby daddy. How can two people who hate each other pull off the lie of a lifetime while figuring out how to raise a child together? Everything between us was supposed to be fake, but I'm not pretending anymore. Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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For the most part, this book was a fun, cute read. About a couple forced to be together due to an accidental pregnancy, but end up falling madly in love. Sophia and Hayes had been enemies since their school days. But their best friends were married to each other, so they saw each other more than they wanted. Tired of their constant fighting, their friends “parent trap” them and leave them stranded together to work out their issues. Well, two months later and Sophia is showing up on Hayes’ door step with some news. Her hatred and mistrust of him runs deep, so it’s awhile before he can win her over. But he does. And things are good between. But you know this kind of book. The big misunderstanding happens and you just want to slap Sophia. She ended up ruining this for me.

But like I said, this was cute for the most part. The beginning and the end were kind of rough, but the middle was good. ( )
  NickyM96 | Nov 21, 2022 |
4 stars

This was cute. At times it felt overly cheesy but it did not stop the story. I liked the characters and the premise of the story. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
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Hayes Davis is America's sweetheart, the #1 hockey player in the country, and my fake fiancé. Simple, right? It would be, if my betrothed were anyone else. But it turns out America's sweetheart is arrogant, selfish, and a guy I have no intentions of letting break my heart again. It was never supposed to happen. But then one-night changes everything. Now, he's not only my pretend fiancé but my very real baby daddy. How can two people who hate each other pull off the lie of a lifetime while figuring out how to raise a child together? Everything between us was supposed to be fake, but I'm not pretending anymore. Contains mature themes.

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