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The Animorphs #42: The Journey door K A…
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The Animorphs #42: The Journey (editie 2000)

door K A Applegate (Auteur)

Reeksen: Animorphs (42)

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357675,033 (3.37)10
The Animorphs' latest adventure takes them where no man has ever gone before… into Marco's left nostril. Who else could be responsible for this mess but a crew of miniature egomaniacs? The Helmacrons have returned to demand the morphing cube because they need more power to escape Earth's atmosphere. In the middle of their threats, Rachel tries to destroy their ship, and some of the little warriors bail… right into Marco's body. Rachel and the others must follow them in order to help Marco. But to make matters worse, Marco's on a mission to recover a photograph that could give away the secret of the Animorphs. He has to do some serious chasing of his own, which could require morphing. And if Marco has to morph, who knows what will happen to his friends on the inside…. K.A. APPLEGATE is the author of the bestselling Animorphs series, as well as the Remnants and Everworld series, Home of the Brave, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in Tiburon, California.… (meer)
Titel:The Animorphs #42: The Journey
Auteurs:K A Applegate (Auteur)
Info:Apple Paperbacks (2000), 144 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Journey door K. A. Applegate

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marco got rabies??! ( )
  mutantpudding | Jun 6, 2022 |
Read it in one night. The last chapter really saved the book for me. This book's maximum silliness is very jarring right after the crushing and brutal realism and profound guilt and psychological torment of the installment just before this one!! ( )
  chuff | Feb 28, 2022 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Um, craziness again. The Animorphs encounter that very very tiny alien race the Helmacrons again. The aliens steal the Escafil device and then during a confrontation when the Animorphs try to get it back- the aliens go up Marco's nose. Yes, literally. Where they threaten to do serious bodily harm. So of course the Animorphs figure out how to shrink themselves and follow. It's very much like a Magic School Bus adventure. It's very gross and nonsensical and horrific. Long story short, they end up as morphed sharks- so microscopic they are swimming in Marco's bloodstream and watch his T-cells engulf other cells. (How they can see in the dark as sharks I'm not sure). Also there's a subplot where Marco is chasing down a kid who spied on them morphing in a back alley before the Helmacron encounter and took a photo. Marco's trying to steal the camera to destroy evidence but is thwarted by the kid's dog (a pit bull type). It all turns out okay in the end, but I won't tell you how because for me that was the best part. I was alternately rolling my eyes and cringing through the inner-body experience, but then when the Animorphs finally exited and found themselves still smaller than grains of sand and in an unknown place, with Marco unconscious maybe dead, that got interesting again. Also Marco was acting very out-of-character but there was a good explanation for that (which also was problematic in a way but I was willing to overlook it).

from the Dogear Diary ( )
  jeane | Aug 6, 2020 |
Fantastic Voyage Animorphs style ( )
  nx74defiant | Nov 27, 2016 |
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The author wishes to thank Emily Costello for her help in preparing this manuscript.
For Michael and Jake
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My name is Rachel.
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The Animorphs' latest adventure takes them where no man has ever gone before… into Marco's left nostril. Who else could be responsible for this mess but a crew of miniature egomaniacs? The Helmacrons have returned to demand the morphing cube because they need more power to escape Earth's atmosphere. In the middle of their threats, Rachel tries to destroy their ship, and some of the little warriors bail… right into Marco's body. Rachel and the others must follow them in order to help Marco. But to make matters worse, Marco's on a mission to recover a photograph that could give away the secret of the Animorphs. He has to do some serious chasing of his own, which could require morphing. And if Marco has to morph, who knows what will happen to his friends on the inside…. K.A. APPLEGATE is the author of the bestselling Animorphs series, as well as the Remnants and Everworld series, Home of the Brave, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in Tiburon, California.

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