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The Art of Prophecy: 1 (The War Arts Saga)…
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The Art of Prophecy: 1 (The War Arts Saga) (origineel 2022; editie 2023)

door Wesley Chu (Auteur)

Reeksen: The War Arts Saga (1)

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When the prophecy anoints the wrong hero, Jian decides to save the kingdom from a cruel immortal god-king anyway with the help of a ragtag group of allies, including a grandmaster of magical martial arts, a straight-laced warrior, and a chaotic assassin. It has been foretold: A child will rise to defeat the Eternal Khan, a cruel immortal god-king, and save the kingdom. Jian has been raised since birth in luxury and splendor, celebrated before he has won a single battle. When Taishi, the greatest war artist of her generation, arrives to evaluate the prophesied hero, she finds a spoiled brat unprepared to face his destiny. Possessed of an iron will, a sharp tongue Taishi-- and a band of unlikely allies-- will find a way to forge Jian into the weapon and leader he needs to be in order to fulfill his legend. -- adapted from jacket… (meer)
Titel:The Art of Prophecy: 1 (The War Arts Saga)
Auteurs:Wesley Chu (Auteur)
Info:Daphne Press (2023), 528 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Te lezen

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The Art of Prophecy door Wesley Chu (2022)

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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
On the whole, I really liked this brick, which is simultaneously a homage to the "wuxia" genre, and a send-up of the whole notion of destiny. There is very little that I'd mark it down for, but, at a certain point, to have four POV characters bouncing around on their separate ways makes one wonder how Chu is going to bring it all together. Narrative drive does sort of dissipate about two-thirds of the way in, but Chu needs some in-book time to allow his alleged chosen one to stew in their juices. Still, I'm interested in all the characters and I'm looking forward to see how it all comes together. ( )
  Shrike58 | Apr 9, 2023 |
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
You know the story. There is a prophecy about a hero that will rise up and save their people. They will overthrow the tyrants and bring peace to the world. Good will triumph over evil. That’s the story that Jian believes he’s in. Raised from birth to be the ProphesiedHero of the Tiandi and trained by the greatest war artists he is ready to defeat the Eternal Khan. Except, as Ling Taishi, a legendary war artist in her own right, points out, he’s just not that good and kind of a jerk. Soon Jian’s life is thrown into turmoil as the prophecy seems to collapse around him and he seeks to figure out what to do.
I loved this book. Wesley Chu’s newest novel grips your attention from the very beginning. The action scenes seemed to be ripped out of a wuxia movie. There’s world-building that is more than just “ancient China with the serial numbers scratched off.” The plot is never plodding and there’s this sense of mystery that always makes you want to go on to the next chapter. Even the characters are great, especially Taishi.
Making the greatest fighter in the story a one-armed older woman was brilliant. Her backstory is just hinted at but is obvious her actions are because of her past. She is conflicted over what to do but is trying to do what is best. Even if the right thing doesn’t make her happy. While all the characters are interesting, Chu went out of his way to give Taishi depth. I really enjoyed her chapters, and am looking forward to learning more about her.
The only minor complaint I have is the dialogue at times. Not that it was stilted or canned. No, far from it, the dialogue was witty and fresh. However, sometimes the language they use doesn’t really fit the setting if that makes sense. The use of “sucks “ to mean bad and similar word choice just somehow feels off to me. Yet, I recognize that is my own opinion, and even for me, it wasn't too distracting.
I loved that the story is set up to address the idea of fate and growing. Not to spoil anything, but Chu’s take on what prophecy means and what reincarnation looks like is fascinating. I am excited to see where this theme goes in the next book.
I highly recommend it to anyone who grew up with martial arts films. IT captures the wuxia style of movies perfectly. It’s a longer novel, but it never slows down. Definitely a good start to a series. ( )
  The_Book_Kaiju | Jan 16, 2023 |
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
Briefly (cuz, boy howdy, I could go on and on and on about this): There's a prophesied Champion who will save his kingdom from the Eternal Khan, but he's a spoiled brat who is not as skilled a warrior as he believes—and he's even less skilled than he needs to be. But that's okay, because the prophecy is broken—or wrong. The greatest living practitioner of magically-enhanced war arts has decided to take over his training and protection. Two incredibly dangerous women from very different backgrounds and for very different reasons have decided he needs to die.

Taishi is almost certainly my favorite new character of 2022*. She's elderly—exactly how old, I don't think we're told. In her prime, she fought the Eternal Khan to a stalemate more than once. Somewhere along the line, she lost the use of one of her arms. Her age and the loss of her arm have slowed her down and made her less effective. But not so slow that anybody but her can tell. She's practically a force of nature. Since then, she's pretty much retired but is strongarmed into checking in on Jian's training. It's hard to say what she's less-impressed with—him or the work of his expert trainers—she's spreading the scorn all around.

* Sure, it's possible the next four months will bring someone better across my path, but not really likely.

She's opinionated, set in her ways, cantankerous, and stubbornly determined. Pity those who try to get in her way. Once she determines that she needs to shepherd and educate Jian, nothing (including Jian) is going to stand in her way.

Taishi's voice—both in dialogue or as it comes across in the narration—is strong, sardonic, and sarcastic. I loved every second of her point-of-view chapters (seeing her through other characters' eyes was just as good, though). I was mildly annoyed every time the point-of-view changed, while still being curious about the other arcs.

Wuxia is my new word for the month—from at least one article online (so it must be true), I'm not a total novice when it comes to this genre—I watched the first two Kung Fu Panda movies with my kids when they first came out. But that's it. So I don't know how much of this story/world is Chu using or playing with or subverting the conventions of the genre. But it looks like he's using several of them, and seems to be having fun with them (at least he's getting the reader to have fun).

I can say that I'm pretty curious about the genre now—and intend to keep an eye out for more opportunities to expose myself to it.

Obviously, one of the defining characteristics of wuxia is the martial arts, and what's the point of a martial-arts-based fantasy without fight scenes? The Art of Prophecy delivers those in spades. Maybe even by the bucket. I've always enjoyed Chu's fight scenes, but these make the stuff in the Tao books look basic. They're just fantastic—and littering them with the quips from the point-of-view character (either expressed or kept internal) made them all the better. I could read these all day.

I don't know that I can really express how excited I am about this book. The last time I was this enthusiastic about a Fantasy novel was Kings of the Wyld, and I've read some really good Fantasy since then. But this is a whole different level.

I'm going to leave it at that—if I went into the kind of depth I want to, I'd either spend another week or so trying to get it all out (or would never finish because I was dissatisfied with it). I could do a couple of hundred words on the nature of prophecy and free will in this universe alone (and someone smarter than me had better do that soon)—or even the importance of honor, role, and manners (do not try to cut in line around these people). So I'm going to go shallow with this post—this is a great premise—and the execution of the premise is as great. The world-building is fascinating, and the history that's hinted at is some of the best I can remember. I loved every one of these characters (none as much as Taishi, but that's nothing against the others) and feel like I could've read a version of this book that was 50% longer just for more time with them. Probably the best action scenes I've read this year. It's too long to read in a single sitting, but it's the kind of book you want to read in one.

Stop wasting time reading about it, start reading The Art of Prophecy. ( )
  hcnewton | Aug 31, 2022 |
For more reviews and bookish posts visit:

The Art of Prophecy by Wesley Chu is an epic fantasy taking place in China, following a prophesied hero who doesn’t live up to expectations. Mr. Chu is a best-selling, award-winning, author, as well as an accomplished martial artist, actor, and stuntman.

Jian has been chosen as the hero which will kill the immortal Eternal Khan and save his kingdom. He has been living in luxury, trained by the best masters in the country.

The prophecy was wrong, and Jian become a spoiled teenager. The greatest war artist of her generation, Taishi, evaluates the hero, finding a brat who will die in combat within seconds. However, when the emperor dies, the country has no use for a hero who is seen as a danger by the leaders of its factions.

And the journey begins.

This book was a wonderful surprise. I’ve read other Chinese fantasy before, but this one I couldn’t put down. The story-line flowed, and the characters were complex, interesting, as well as intriguing.

At first, I thought “not another student saving the world” type of book. However, the narrative kept me going and the story took unexpected turns. Instead of another coming-of-age book of a “Chosen one”, I got something completely different. The characters are fantastic, Sali, Taishi, and Qisami steal the show from the “hero”, each one is a complete, complex character, wielding really cool weapons, as well as their own strengths and weaknesses.

The story is certainly a coming-of-age one. But not necessarily that of a spoiled brat groomed to be a savior. People change at every stage of their lives, protagonists and antagonists. It is done in such a flawless way that I only thought about it while attempting to write this review.

The story takes place in China of legends. Not one that ever existed, and certainly not the one that exists today. I haven’t figured out if Mr. Chu revolved his story around Chinese mythology, like A Hero Born. The world building, however, is incredible. There are elements of the Grass Sea, the Great Kahn’s reincarnation, cultural aspects and ramifications, technology, cities landscapes, and more.

The Art of Prophecy by Wesley Chu is marketed as being the first of The War Arts Saga. I, for one, am certainly looking forward to reading the second installation, but it has a lot to live up to. I got a review copy for free, but I will buy a copy to add to my collection. ( )
  ZoharLaor | Aug 17, 2022 |
The art of remaking!

I am definitely a fan of Taishi. An old woman who was marking time finds a new passion.
Hilariously underplayed, the spoilt Jian, securely anointed as the child prodigy who will defeat the immortal god-king, the Eternal Khan, has nothing more to show for his training than his knowledge of how to hold a sword, and even that is in doubt. So when this brat decides to put down an old lady (who is btw the greatest grandmaster of magical martial arts) he truly has his comeuppance. Still with the way he’s been fawned upon ever since the prophecy it’s no wonder he’s more than a little wet behind the ears and behind the times. And Taishi is only too delighted to have a focus that will enliven her latter years.
Little does Jian know what he’s in for!
Tropes are given a different look. Hero's are unmade or made anew.
A twisted tale that turns Jian upside down and inside out as he prepares to face a destiny he’s no longer sure about.

A Random House - Ballantine invitation to read via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher. ( )
  eyes.2c | Aug 8, 2022 |
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Wesley Chuprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Naudus, NatalieVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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When the prophecy anoints the wrong hero, Jian decides to save the kingdom from a cruel immortal god-king anyway with the help of a ragtag group of allies, including a grandmaster of magical martial arts, a straight-laced warrior, and a chaotic assassin. It has been foretold: A child will rise to defeat the Eternal Khan, a cruel immortal god-king, and save the kingdom. Jian has been raised since birth in luxury and splendor, celebrated before he has won a single battle. When Taishi, the greatest war artist of her generation, arrives to evaluate the prophesied hero, she finds a spoiled brat unprepared to face his destiny. Possessed of an iron will, a sharp tongue Taishi-- and a band of unlikely allies-- will find a way to forge Jian into the weapon and leader he needs to be in order to fulfill his legend. -- adapted from jacket

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