
Alle verzamelingen (11,829), Jouw bibliotheek (7,456), Gelezen, maar niet in bezit (4,381), Aan het lezen (26), Te lezen (4,581), Howese (3,082), Storage (109), Office (886), Cloud (1,883), Download (1,300), On Loan (11), AEO (31), Lost or Missing or Never to be Returned (170), Bethesda (76), Favorieten (203), Verlanglijst (50)
read in Pittsburgh (2,953), fantasy (1,717), sold (1,687), science fiction (1,611), donated (1,530), read in grad school (Madison) (1,442), mystery (1,115), read in Santa Fe (grad student / post-doc) (1,033), history (1,006), returned (982), comics (898), series mystery (846), audiobook (674), reviewed (525), read in college (507), library (494), horror (470), philosophy (468), read in Ann Arbor (post-doc) (427), statistics (417), historical fiction (385), popular science (383), 20th century history (360), guilty pleasures (357), contemporary fantasy (317), romance (310), mathematics (310), space opera (298), economics (297), electronic backups and replacements (294), read in high school (283), short stories (271), history of science (269), history of ideas (267), gave up (261), 19th century history (252), physics (242), cultural criticism (214), superheroes (212), amateur sleuths (212), psychology (211), popular social science (198), early modern history (196), literary fiction (195), historical mystery (186), ancient history (185), China (183), thriller (182), philosophy of science (181), biology (180), sociology (178), American history (178), stochastic processes (176), historical fantasy (168), New York (166), Central Asia (163), statistical theory (158), read as a boy (157), memoirs (156), affectionate parody (147), psycho killers (145), political philosophy (143), the progressive forces (142), photos (140), poems (140), fantasy epic (139), Markov models (138), military science fiction (137), popular history (136), art book (129), literary criticism (129), travelers' tales (121), Europe (121), Afghanistan (120), psychoceramics (117), dynamical systems (116), India (115), lives of the scientists (113), statistical mechanics (113), swords and sorcery (113), cognitive science (111), evolutionary biology (104), anthropology (104), democracy (103), meddling private investigators (101), review copy (100), political economy (100), London (99), US politics (99), by people I know (99), occult mystery (98), advanced probability (98), police procedural (98), parallel worlds (96), Marxism (96), social life of the mind (96), world history (95), crime fiction (95), social science methodology (94), Cthulhiana (94), USSR (94), electronic freebie (94), vampires (93), machine learning (93), intellectual history (93), Communism (92), information theory (92), art history (92), debunking (91), economic history (91), satire (89), Italy (87), imperialism (86), ethics (85), alternate history (85), history of philosophy (84), parody (83), complexity (81), epistemology (81), warrior women (81), lives of the scholars (81), socialism (79), science fantasy (78), time series (78), neuroscience (78), European history (77), archaeology (77), maniacal cultists (77), inequality (75), institutions (75), Christianity (75), spy stories (74), 18th century history (73), ancient Greece (73), political science (72), something about America (72), networked life (72), begun in grad school (70), theoretical biology (70), Islamic civilization (70), finance (69), hard science fiction (69), data analysis (69), history of technology (69), social theory (69), collective cognition (68), what's gone wrong with America (68), mundanes in wonderland (67), teaching: statistics of inequality and discrimination (67), England (65), social networks (64), apocalypse fiction (64), urban fantasy (64), sea stories (64), southern California (64), dragons (63), Japan (63), ergodic theory (62), lives of the artists (62), hard-boiled (62), the great transformation (62), regression (62), becoming post-human (61), diabolical conspiracies (61), alien invasion (61), self-organization (60), stochastic modeling (60), time travel (60), high fantasy (60), the Enlightenment (60), post-apocalyptic (60), the French Disease (58), by people I have met (58), Pittsburgh (58), defenses of liberalism (57), the American dilemma (57), history of religion (56), medieval history (56), the Scientific Revolution (56), clerical mystery (56), architecture (55), liberalism (54), New Mexico (54), apocalypticism (54), probability (54), American South (54), the matter of Middle Earth (54), lives of the writers (54), literary essays (53), data mining (53), racism (52), chaos (52), mythology (52), learning theory (52), programming (52), cybernetics (51), computer science (51), modernity (50), outbreaks from the dungeon dimensions (50), cultural evolution (50), historical materialism (50), cozy mystery (50), slayers (50), the Renaissance (49), criticism of criticism of criticism (49), the running dogs of reaction (49), literary history (49), food (49), linguistics (48), alien contact (48), prediction (48), human evolution (47), screwball (47), fascism (47), causal inference (47), logic (47), dying Earth (47), Roman Empire (47), pattern formation (47), vengeance is mine! (47), philosophical psychology (47), Napoleonic wars (47), artificial intelligence (46), the class struggles in America (46), smut (46), revolution (46), estimation (46), diffusion processes (probability) (46), New England (45), ghosts (45), education (45), philosophical essays (44), secret history (44), zombies (44), malevolent mind control (44), medieval Eurasian history (44), asymptotic statistics (44), textbooks I'd teach from (44), non-parametrics (43), R (43), alien artifacts (43), Tang Dynasty (43), western (42), statistical inference for stochastic processes (42), journeys to the underworld (42), ethnography (42), social history (42), mathematical biology (41), moral psychology (41), pragmatism (41), cellular automata (41), musical obsessions (41), evolutionary psychology (41), networks (41), the sorcerer's apprenticeship (40), the Silk Road (40), ecology (40), ancient Rome (40), graphical models (40), theoretical computer science (40), quantum mechanics (40), Washington (40), improbable human-alien relations (39), Maine (39), fairy tales retold (39), bounded rationality (39), Antarctica (39), fee for manuscript review (39), essays (39), projects: actually "Dr. Internet" is the name of the monster's creator (39), the Cold War (39), state building (39), economics of imperfect competition (38), werewolves (38), econometrics (38), Discworld (38), visions of American decline (38), cultural exchange (38), upstate New York (38), Islam (38), race (38), coming of age (38), intrepid reporters (37), Native American history (37), poetry (37), history of manners and morals (37), haunted house (36), valiant adventurers aka murder hoboes for hire (36), collective social behavior (36), projects: in Soviet Union optimization problem solves you (36), climate change (36), causality (36), feminism (36), intellectuals in politics (36), US culture wars (36), the present before it was widely distributed (36), organizations (35), forensic mystery (35), law (35), distributed systems (35)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Jun 5, 2006
Echte naam
Cosma Shalizi
Over mijn bibliotheek
This is (or will be, when I finish adding books) the union of what I own with what I've read since 1994 or so. Some of what I've returned to libraries, sold, given away, etc., is marked as such.

Rating is sporadic and approximate. Roughly: 5 = "personal favorite; you must read this, at least if you're me"; 4 = very good (either for entertainment or instruction). 3.5 = good but not very good. 3 = OK, not painful. 2 = bad. 1 = horrible.

Reviews are links to my website.

Tagging is sporadic, not particularly consistent, and opinionated.

Reading and purchase dates are only sporadically entered. Many are approximate, because I only recorded month or academic year. (Yes, it's probably OCD-spectrum to record the date in the first place.)
Over mij
Weblog: Three-Toed Sloth,
Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA
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Favoriete auteurs
Eric Ambler, Stanislav Andreski, Stanislaw Andrzejewski, V. I. Arnold, W. Ross Ashby, Iain Banks, Jacques Barzun, Greg Bear, John Tyler Bonner, Raymond Boudon, Samuel Bowles, Ernest Bramah, Lois McMaster Bujold, Italo Calvino, William H. Calvin, L. Sprague de Camp, Karel Čapek, Lauren Henderson, C. J. Cherryh, Arthur C. Clarke, Norman Cohn, Evan S. Connell, Frederick C. Crews, E. E. Cummings, Avram Davidson, Daniel C. Dennett, Joan Didion, Lord Dunsany, Greg Egan, Barbara Ehrenreich, Harlan Ellison, Warren Ellis, Jon Elster, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Anne Fadiman, John M. Ford, Anatole France, Neil Gaiman, John Kenneth Galbraith, Ernest Gellner, Andy Goldsworthy, Larry Gonick, Martin H. Greenberg, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robert van Gulik, Ian Hacking, Jane Haddam, J. B. S. Haldane, Sparkle Hayter, P. C. Hodgell, Marshall G. S. Hodgson, Barry Hughart, Robert Hughes, Shirley Jackson, Russell Jacoby, William James, Steven Johnson, James Joll, Diana Wynne Jones, Mark Kac, Wendy Kaminer, Rosemary Kirstein, Philip Kitcher, Leszek Kolakowski, Paul Krugman, Jane Langton, Larry Laudan, Stanisław Lem, John Leonard, Laura Lippman, H. P. Lovecraft, Ken MacLeod, William Leonard Marshall, Patricia A. McKillip, Robin McKinley, William McNeill, P. B. Medawar, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Christopher Moore, Franco Moretti, Philip Morrison, Joseph Needham, Friedrich Nietzsche, Patrick O'Brian, Heinz R. Pagels, Robert Pinsky, Katha Pollitt, Karl Popper, William Poundstone, Richard Powers, Terry Pratchett, W. V. Quine, I. A. Richards, Phil Rickman, David Ruelle, Bertrand Russell, Will Shetterly, Georges Simenon, Herbert A. Simon, Karin Slaughter, John Maynard Smith, Jonathan D. Spence, Dan Sperber, L. Susan Stebbing, Aurel Stein, Bruce Sterling, Peter Straub, Stephen Toulmin, Yi-Fu Tuan, Catherynne M. Valente, Jack Vance, Paula Volsky, Voltaire, Arthur Waley, Jill Paton Walsh, Norbert Wiener, Walter Jon Williams, William Carlos Williams, Connie Willis, Arthur T. Winfree, Roger Zelazny, Hans Zinsser
Lokale favorieten

Boekwinkels: Aunt Agatha's, Avol's Bookstore, Caliban Bookshop, Collected Works Bookstore and Coffeehouse, Dawn Treader Book Shop, Moe's Books, Nicholas Potter, Bookseller, Shaman Drum, The Other Change of Hobbit, University Press Books

Bibliotheken: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh -- Main (Oakland), Doe Library - University of California, Berkeley, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library - University of Michigan, International House Library, University of California, Berkeley, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Memorial Library

Overig: Kiva Han Cafe, Santa Fe Institute

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