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Agnes Martin: Writings

door Agnes Martin

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1232229,870 (4.13)Geen
Now in its third printing, this collection of letters, journals, and lectures is the standard collection of writings by the artist. "I suggest that people who like to be alone, who walk alone, will perhaps be serious workers in the art field."--Agnes Martin.
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Published to accompany the exhibition 'Agnes Martin: Paintings and Works on Paper, 1960-1989' at the Kunstmuseum Winterthur, January 19 to March 15, 1992; Original English text followed by German translation; Includes eight reproductions of the artist work

Agnes Martin's abstract works adhere to no catalogue of rules but appear instead as contemplative, intuitive signs. Her "floating abstractions," in which lines and free bands of color emerge almost imperceptibly, can be reproduced only with difficulty. Her writings, on the other hand--although certainly not intended as programmatic statements--offer valuable clarity regarding her own works and poetic insight about art in general. Since its original publication in 1991, this volume of Martin's writings has been a fundamental document for libraries of artists, collectors, and critics. Rather than identifying herself with her Minimalist peers, Martin has aligned herself with the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese, asserting that "the function of art work is . . . the renewal of memories of moments of perfection." In combination with illustrations of her works, these texts--including lectures, stories recorded by critic Ann Wilson, passages ostensibly arranged in associative sequences, and "fragmentary ideas"--form an eloquent artist's statement by the creator of "silent paintings."(English and German Edition)
  petervanbeveren | Apr 27, 2024 |
love this book!!!!! ( )
  rebeccar76 | Jun 24, 2015 |
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Now in its third printing, this collection of letters, journals, and lectures is the standard collection of writings by the artist. "I suggest that people who like to be alone, who walk alone, will perhaps be serious workers in the art field."--Agnes Martin.

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