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The Leadership Dojo-Build Your Foundation as an Exemplary Leader

door Richard Strozzi Heckler

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Written for emergent business leaders and personal growth seekers, this new work from renowned teacher and author Richard strozzi-Heckler offers a new approach to leadership.

A proven thought leader among Fortune 100 executives and tip-ranked military officials, Richard Strozzi-Heckler blends his martial arts mastery with time-tested business strategies to present a new, body-based leadership practice.

The bestselling author writes, 'Bookstores are filled with stories of great leaders and what they did in certian situations, but nothing about how leadership is learned.' This new work answers that need with key principles developed in training groups among top brass at AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, the Navy, the Army, and the Marines.

The Leadership Dojo is based on three key questions: What does a leader do? What are the character values most essential to exemplary leadership? How do you teach these values? Drawing on the wisdom of ages from Plato to the Bhagavad Gita, from Thucydides to the Abidharma, the author asserts that understanding and answering these questions are the key to superior leadership skills.

The first book of its kind to base business and management strength on integral body awareness, The Leadersip Dojo presents key principles such as shugyo, or self-cultivation. The result? A moral and spiritual vision that affords the efficacy, individual responsibility, and social commitment it takes to lead with authority.

Richard Strozzi-Heckler has worked with tens of thousands of people over the last thirty years including corporate executives, Olympic and professional athletes, managers, political leaders, and inner-city gangs. He is the author of the nationally acclaimed In Search of the Warrior Spirit, as well as The Anatomy of Change and Holding the Center. A pioneer in applying somatics to such fields as finance, technology, and manufacturing, he is the founder of the Strozzi Institute in Petaluma, California.

This leadership training is a sure-fire way to build true leaders form managers and individual performers. The teams that I lead using this training met goals on time and under budget. Team members beceame effective leaders tat went on to bigger roles adn responsibilititeses. I wold not dram of leaading a team witoiut relying on thie teachings of Storzzi-Heckler. It woiuld be leike skiing withoiut the snow-Nancy J. Hutson, Senior vice President, Pfizer Research & Development

Richard Strozzi-Heckler has developed a pragmatic, powerful, and promising method for leaders to do well and do good at the same time. Based on Strozzi-Heckler's decades of coaching experience and encycolopedic knowledge of somatics, The Leadership Dojo pinponts the true sources of leadership: the commitments we hold , the values underlying them, and our presence in the world. The Leadership Dojo presents concrete, straightforward practices that nurture extraordinary leadership-James N. Baron, William S. Beineck Professor Management, Yale School of Management

These exercises focused my attention on what was getting in the way of my success at work. Strozzi-Heckler showed me how much of the problem was me, and how, by training my body, I could adjust my decision-making and presence when faced with difficult situations. Through the strategies in The Leadership Dojo, I found the presence I needed in places that I had never thought to look. The exercises will surprise you in all the best and most meaningful ways.-Tim Bullock, Group Vice President, Europe, Africa, and Eastern Hemisphere, BP Oil International Limited

Richard Strozzi-Heckler is among our finest teachers. The Leadership Dojo goes far beyond traditional concepts of leadersip development, brilliantly blending soft and hard strategies from all sectors. Individuals from all walks of life can become exemplary leaders by awakening their sensibilities to the importance of embodying a professional presence. A must-read for anyone involved in leadership development and serious leaders of all stripes. Richard Strozzi-Heckler proves you don't neet to sacrifice your soul to succeed.-Richard Leider, author of The Power of Purpose and Repacking Your Bags


Foreword by Richard Leider
One We are all leaders
Two The cultivation of the self
Three The place of awakening
Four You are what you practice
Five The body of a leader
Six Leadership presence
Notes (bibliography)
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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