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Drifting Into Darkness: Murders, Madness, Suicide, and a Death "Under Suspicious Circumstances"

door Mark I. Pinsky

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"Two grisly murders-a brutal double parricide-a suicide, and a fourth death under suspicious circumstances. Drifting Into Darkness is a tangled tale of family dysfunction, fatal attraction, and greed, a saga that wends its way from the elegant Southern mansions of Montgomery, Alabama, to the New Age salons of Boulder, Colorado, to rural, windswept Wyoming. On Thanksgiving weekend in 2004, philanthropists Charlotte and Brent Springford Sr.-a wealthy, socially prominent Montgomery couple-were brutally beaten to death with an ax handle, echoing the infamous case of Lizzie Borden. Suspicion quickly fell on the Springfords' gifted but troubled son Brent Jr., who would be tried and sentenced to life without parole. But a mystery remained: Who was the mysterious, elusive woman who claimed to be a Native American shaman that investigators believed manipulated Brent into this murder? Journalists solving murders is a time-tested trope in movies, mysteries, and on television. But cops and cop reporters know that rarely happens in real life. Except when it does. Veteran crime reporter Mark I. Pinsky, who covered the sensational cases of serial killer Ted Bundy and Green Beret Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, broke the cardinal rule of journalism by involving himself in the story. Pinsky's extensive research prompted investigators to invite him to join their dogged pursuit of justice. His access to unique and heart-breaking behind-the-scenes material enables him to take readers with him into the troubled, tortured minds of the case's main players"--… (meer)
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Drifting into Darkness; Murder, madness, Suicide, and a Death ‘Under Suspicious Circumstance. Mark I. Pinsky. 2022. I don’t know if I have ever read a more detailed crime book. It is almost too detailed. Thanksgiving 2004, Brent Springford, Jr. beat his mother and father to death in their home on Hull Street in Montgomery. It was a gruesome, hideous crime. The author had access to police reports, transcripts, and health records. He interviewed as many people as he could to recreate the events leading to the murders, the apprehension of Brent, Jr. and the aftermath. Brent, Jr. was a spoiled mentally ill young man whose parents thought their money to could solve the young man’s problems. The villainess of the story is the younger Brent’s evil wife, Caroline Scoutt who controlled him and probably convinced him to kill his parents. This is a fascinating story of pathetic young man caught in the web of a master con woman. She is the real villain. ( )
  judithrs | Oct 28, 2023 |
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"Two grisly murders-a brutal double parricide-a suicide, and a fourth death under suspicious circumstances. Drifting Into Darkness is a tangled tale of family dysfunction, fatal attraction, and greed, a saga that wends its way from the elegant Southern mansions of Montgomery, Alabama, to the New Age salons of Boulder, Colorado, to rural, windswept Wyoming. On Thanksgiving weekend in 2004, philanthropists Charlotte and Brent Springford Sr.-a wealthy, socially prominent Montgomery couple-were brutally beaten to death with an ax handle, echoing the infamous case of Lizzie Borden. Suspicion quickly fell on the Springfords' gifted but troubled son Brent Jr., who would be tried and sentenced to life without parole. But a mystery remained: Who was the mysterious, elusive woman who claimed to be a Native American shaman that investigators believed manipulated Brent into this murder? Journalists solving murders is a time-tested trope in movies, mysteries, and on television. But cops and cop reporters know that rarely happens in real life. Except when it does. Veteran crime reporter Mark I. Pinsky, who covered the sensational cases of serial killer Ted Bundy and Green Beret Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, broke the cardinal rule of journalism by involving himself in the story. Pinsky's extensive research prompted investigators to invite him to join their dogged pursuit of justice. His access to unique and heart-breaking behind-the-scenes material enables him to take readers with him into the troubled, tortured minds of the case's main players"--

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