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Keep It in the Family

door John Marrs

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2086135,027 (3.74)2
"In this chilling novel from bestselling author John Marrs, a young couple's house hides terrible secrets - and not all of them are confined to the past. Mia and Finn are busy turning a derelict house into their dream home when Mia unexpectedly falls pregnant. But just when they think the house is ready, Mia discovers a chilling message scored into a skirting board: I WILL SAVE THEM FROM THE ATTIC. Following the clue up into the eaves, the couple make a gruesome discovery: their dream home was once a house of horrors. In the wake of their traumatic discovery, the baby arrives and Mia can't shake her fixation with the monstrous crimes that happened right above them. Haunted by the terrible things she saw and desperate to find answers, her obsession pulls her ever further from her husband. Secrecy shrouds the mystery of the attic, but when shards of a dark truth start to emerge, Mia realises the danger is terrifyingly present. She is prepared to do anything to protect her family - but is it already too late?"--… (meer)
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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
The story dives deep into dark family secrets, twisted relationships, and the chilling consequences of buried pasts. Marrs masterfully weaves multiple perspectives, each adding layers of tension and unpredictability. The pacing is relentless, and just when you think you’ve figured it out, another twist hits you. ( )
  itx | Aug 26, 2024 |
Totally and completely CREEPY!!! I kept reading and yes, I finished it, but I'm still not feeling great about making the effort to finish it. Now I realize that he writes DARK psychological thrillers and this one certainly is that!!! NOT at all sure I want to try another one. YES, his writing is very's just what is happening in this story that was difficult to keep reading, at least for me. ( )
  nyiper | Jul 16, 2024 |
The book is the ideal example of why thrillers will always be my favorite genre. It has everything a thriller should have, and then more. The characters in this book keep you wondering what the hell is actually going on, and the storyline twists and suspense keep you guessing. The ending of this novel just blew me away. I was surprised to learn that a chapter just needed one word to convey its meaning to readers, but John Marrs's writing in Chapter 39 was a chef’s kiss and showcased his talent. ( )
  Paigemichelle1218 | Jan 22, 2024 |
3.5 stars

I went into this book blind, because I know if it's a John Marrs book, it's going to be awesome and I don't even need to know what it's about! This book doesn't have the usual shocking twists that a lot of his other books have (though there ARE definitely lots of surprises throughout the book!), but it may be his darkest one yet. The prologue will immediately grip you and you won't want to put this book down! Another fantastic book by John Marrs! ( )
  filemanager | Nov 29, 2023 |
Mia and Finn are buying their dream house. Unknown to them their new home soon becomes a house of horrors.

I've read books by John Marrs before and I always enjoy his thrillers more than the books he writes set in the near future.

This book is told from the pov of Mia, Finn and his parents Dave and Debbie. I have to say this book did hold my interest and I did want to see a positive outcome with what was going on. The plot has a lot of twists and surprises but I did feel towards the end the story had maybe one too many twists and was venturing into thrillerland.

What I didn't enjoy was the subject matter. The crime involves the abduction and murder of children. This I didn't enjoy and yes I finished the book and overall enjoyed it but found the subject hard to read.

John Marrs is a good author and I still have some of his books to read in the future. ( )
  tina1969 | Jul 28, 2023 |
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"In this chilling novel from bestselling author John Marrs, a young couple's house hides terrible secrets - and not all of them are confined to the past. Mia and Finn are busy turning a derelict house into their dream home when Mia unexpectedly falls pregnant. But just when they think the house is ready, Mia discovers a chilling message scored into a skirting board: I WILL SAVE THEM FROM THE ATTIC. Following the clue up into the eaves, the couple make a gruesome discovery: their dream home was once a house of horrors. In the wake of their traumatic discovery, the baby arrives and Mia can't shake her fixation with the monstrous crimes that happened right above them. Haunted by the terrible things she saw and desperate to find answers, her obsession pulls her ever further from her husband. Secrecy shrouds the mystery of the attic, but when shards of a dark truth start to emerge, Mia realises the danger is terrifyingly present. She is prepared to do anything to protect her family - but is it already too late?"--

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5 6

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