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Murder in the Library: An utterly gripping English cozy mystery (Julia Bird Mysteries Book 2)

door Katie Gayle

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1921,175,338 (3.83)Geen
"Julia Bird had imagined the quiet of rural life would be soothing after years in the city, but she finds she can't just sit still. Determined to throw herself into village activities, she joins the library just in time to attend a talk by celebrated local author Vincent Andrews. Charming, devilishly handsome and talented, Vincent teases the crowd with a reading from his forthcoming novel. Set in a village bearing strange similarities to Berrywick, with characters the audience start to recognise, Vincent hints of dark secrets to be revealed, to gasps of outrage from the room. The meeting ends in uproar, and, just hours later, Vincent's dead body is discovered behind the bookshelves... As one of the last people to see him alive, Julia feels morally bound to help the police investigate. With her trusty Labrador, Jake, at her side, she decides to do her own sleuthing and quickly discovers that Vincent's personal life is messy, his finances are in disarray and his book sales are declining. But most of all, remembering her neighbours' faces at the book reading, Julia wonders if one of them could have lost the plot enough to kill... As Julia interrogates the suspects, she walks straight into another scene of murder and mayhem, and realises Vincent's manuscript is now missing. There's someone out there who's deadly serious about keeping their secrets unpublished. Will Julia be able to stop them, before anyone else gets hurt?"--Publisher.… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
An improvement on the first in the series. The story was well told with a few twists. The mystery solution was still a bit disappointing (like the first in the series). Haven't decided if I will read the third in the series. ( )
  Neale | Jul 11, 2024 |
retired, amateur-sleuth, England, divorcee, Labrador-dog, murder, murder-investigation, library, law-enforcement, small-town, Cotswolds, failed-guide-dog, famous-author, bibliomystery, family-dynamics, family, friendship, suspense, medical-doctor, dogs, mild-humor, twisty*****

Great compelling characters, fascinating suspects, inventive red herrings and diabolical twists! And dogs! In a small town in the Cotswolds, there are a number of very interesting sixty-somethings who enjoy each other's company and come up with some really creative twists in the course of solving murders. Excellent read!
I requested and received a free e-book copy from Bookouture via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Sep 4, 2022 |
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geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe

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"Julia Bird had imagined the quiet of rural life would be soothing after years in the city, but she finds she can't just sit still. Determined to throw herself into village activities, she joins the library just in time to attend a talk by celebrated local author Vincent Andrews. Charming, devilishly handsome and talented, Vincent teases the crowd with a reading from his forthcoming novel. Set in a village bearing strange similarities to Berrywick, with characters the audience start to recognise, Vincent hints of dark secrets to be revealed, to gasps of outrage from the room. The meeting ends in uproar, and, just hours later, Vincent's dead body is discovered behind the bookshelves... As one of the last people to see him alive, Julia feels morally bound to help the police investigate. With her trusty Labrador, Jake, at her side, she decides to do her own sleuthing and quickly discovers that Vincent's personal life is messy, his finances are in disarray and his book sales are declining. But most of all, remembering her neighbours' faces at the book reading, Julia wonders if one of them could have lost the plot enough to kill... As Julia interrogates the suspects, she walks straight into another scene of murder and mayhem, and realises Vincent's manuscript is now missing. There's someone out there who's deadly serious about keeping their secrets unpublished. Will Julia be able to stop them, before anyone else gets hurt?"--Publisher.

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