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The Prayer Jar Devotional: Hope

door Wanda E. Brunstetter

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533,046,135 (4.67)Geen
Inspired by New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter's The Prayer Jars series. . .   The Prayer Jar Devotional: Hope delivers the same life-changing inspiration as Wanda E. Brunstetter's unforgettable stories. Every reading will help you draw closer to your heavenly Father. Your prayer life will be transformed as you read through these dozens of encouraging devotional readings centered around the theme of hope. With each turn of the page, you'll discover unchanging truths of God's Word alongside meaningful prompts that guide you to write out your personal prayers or favorite, hope-filled Bible verses and then add to your very own prayer jar. (Simple instructions are included in the introduction.) Once you've finished reading the last page, you'll have a full prayer jar of your very own. Use it to infuse your heart with inspiration and encouragement when you need it--or share it with a friend who could use some faith restoration of her very own!  … (meer)
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You know a devotional is going to be good when you break down just reading the introduction! The words hit the deepest chord within my soul in such a powerful way that tears flowed down my face. I am struggling with a debilitating illness, while also dealing with deep personal loss, and I need hope in a bad way. “Hoping for strength isn’t enough. As Christians, we need to rely on God’s power to strengthen and help us with all the challenges we face.” I know this to be true, but something about reading it when my spiritual walk has been dry and desolate was the living water that my soul has been desperately crying out for.

I have been a fan of Wanda Brunstetter’s novels for awhile, but I have had a chance to read any from The Prayer Jars series. After beginning this devotional I know I need to read them! If they are anything like the devotional I know they will be entertaining while also holding powerful soul-stirring truths.

Each day of the devotional begins with a title and one Bible verse, each from different versions of the Bible, something I greatly appreciated as we all have our unique favorites (mine are the New Living Translation (NLT) and the English Standard Version (ESV) if you were curious). The devotional part is only a few paragraphs but don’t let that fool you. There is so much applicable truth each day that often left me pondering the words spoken hours later. If you decide to do a physical prayer jar for yourself, which I have, there is “Prayer Jar Inspiration” at the bottom of each page that gives you one sentence that you can write on a piece of paper, and slip into your own jar. Years ago I did something similar with a “prayer box” and if you’ve heard of those, this is the same concept. I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses this practice.

Even if you decide to forgo the jar, I still believe this is a delightful devotional that will touch your spirit. Wanda’s writing is unmatched, and the truth that is on these pages will bless you if you let the words soak into your spirit. Though my circumstances haven’t changed, and many of those prayers still left unanswered, I now am seeing them through a new lens. A lens called hope.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Oct 9, 2022 |
There is so much comfort and inspiration to be found in this collection of devotions from author Wanda E. Brunstetter. Each selection pertains to hope, an emotion that seems lacking in today's world, and each one has scripture, inspirational thoughts, and a prayer. I especially like that these devotions are divided into different categories, such as forgiveness, happiness, and courage. There's also a scripture index in the back that allows readers to quickly find a devotion that's applicable to their daily Bible study.

This is a small, attractive book with a hardcover that makes it perfect for gift giving but you definitely want a copy of your own! The Prayer Jar Devotional: HOPE is a great supplement to your worship time, and it's a wonderful way to improve your prayer life.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a positive review. ( )
  fcplcataloger | Sep 29, 2022 |
The cover is so eye-catching and beautifully designed that I couldn’t wait to see what inspirations awaited me. I love devotionals because there are lessons that help me with struggles in my life while encouraging me to grow stronger in His Word. The idea of a prayer jar is something I want to start doing. It can be as simple as a jar with a ribbon around it. Inside you place a prayer request, scripture or notes of thanks. I have decided that I will read one devotional from the book each day. After I finish I will place what God has spoken to me whether it be a scripture, prayer or thoughts I want to remember. It is a great way to see how God is working in your life,

This devotional is filled with topics that we each can grow in. I love how the author includes scriptures and illustrations from the Bible to help us understand about the subject we are studying. It is written in a way that I found easy to understand and filled me with peace. One of the topics in the book talks about Joy. I haven’t been very joyful lately. I have been so wrapped up in my circumstances that I forget that God is still with me. He is right there with arms opened wide to comfort me and fill me with joy. I have much to be joyful about and I appreciate the reminder from the Prayer Jar Inspiration “God carries me in His arms each day. Praise to God!”

This book will be with me wherever I travel to help me keep my focus on Him. I am making my own prayer jar and can’t wait to put it into use in my life. We all have prayer needs and this is a great way to put them in a place where we can continue to pray. I will continue to pull out a paper from the jar to be encouraged and will include scriptures that will help me grow in Him. This book would make a perfect gift for anyone and I would encourage everyone to get a copy for themselves,

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Aug 30, 2022 |
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Inspired by New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter's The Prayer Jars series. . .   The Prayer Jar Devotional: Hope delivers the same life-changing inspiration as Wanda E. Brunstetter's unforgettable stories. Every reading will help you draw closer to your heavenly Father. Your prayer life will be transformed as you read through these dozens of encouraging devotional readings centered around the theme of hope. With each turn of the page, you'll discover unchanging truths of God's Word alongside meaningful prompts that guide you to write out your personal prayers or favorite, hope-filled Bible verses and then add to your very own prayer jar. (Simple instructions are included in the introduction.) Once you've finished reading the last page, you'll have a full prayer jar of your very own. Use it to infuse your heart with inspiration and encouragement when you need it--or share it with a friend who could use some faith restoration of her very own!  

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