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Harry Houdini (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

door Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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1121,769,577 (3)Geen
From the best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, this book profiles the life of Harry Houdini, from his humble beginnings as a child living in poverty, to his transformation into history's most famous magician and escape artist. When Ehrich emigrated to the US, his family couldn't afford to send him to school. That didn't stop him from learning-- he became a genius with cards, and even a trapeze artist! But while working as a locksmith, he realized his talent for picking locks... and the great Harry Houdini was born. He became one of the greatest escape artists of all time, and performed incredible stunts that keep us guessing today. This inspiring story of the legendary entertainer features a fact and photo section at the back.… (meer)
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This story glosses over so much of Harry Houdini‘s life. It’s a picture book so it’s not meant to be in depth, but every point is given at most two sentences. This book would’ve been better if they focused on one or two things instead of trying to put his life on 32 pages. There are other books, especially picture books about Houdini. All of them are done better. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Sep 25, 2023 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
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From the best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, this book profiles the life of Harry Houdini, from his humble beginnings as a child living in poverty, to his transformation into history's most famous magician and escape artist. When Ehrich emigrated to the US, his family couldn't afford to send him to school. That didn't stop him from learning-- he became a genius with cards, and even a trapeze artist! But while working as a locksmith, he realized his talent for picking locks... and the great Harry Houdini was born. He became one of the greatest escape artists of all time, and performed incredible stunts that keep us guessing today. This inspiring story of the legendary entertainer features a fact and photo section at the back.

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