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Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Morality

door David Edmonds

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581463,399 (4.15)2
From the bestselling coauthor of Wittgenstein's Poker, an entertaining and illuminating biography of a brilliant philosopher who tried to rescue morality from nihilism
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A thorough biography of someone most of us have never heard of. I certainly didn't, but it said he was one of the most influential philosophers of the past century so it seemed to be a good look see read.

It wasn't a bad book but it will not keep you on the edge of chair with anticipation either. Philosophers are not really the most dynamic people to read about. Yet they certainly do pose the most profound questions about the whys and wherefores of life issues. No short change here on Parfit's part as he was no doubt a deep and profound thinker. You will discover his main thrust of work had to do with what is the right thing to do in this life, particularly concerning our fellow journey travelers. Along with a healthy dose of ethics issues and, voila, there you have the bio.

Much dealt with is Parfit's meandering through the various positions, particularly in the English system, of philosophy scholars. His was somewhat different in that he followed his own drumbeat and sometimes this did not square with the intellectual powers. This particularly come to focus in his limited publishing.

We also learn of the peculiarities of this genius and how he interacted with everyday life and the subject of many of his profound thoughts, people. In this regard Parfit comes across as a very singular type of character that acts very differently then most and in an almost amusing way.

A good book, not maybe on most peoples list but certainly of value to those who do some degree of thinking in their own right. ( )
  knightlight777 | Jan 11, 2024 |
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From the bestselling coauthor of Wittgenstein's Poker, an entertaining and illuminating biography of a brilliant philosopher who tried to rescue morality from nihilism

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Gemiddelde: (4.15)
3 2
3.5 1
4 3
5 4

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