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I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts: Mini-Meditations for Saints, Sinners, and the Rest of Us

door Kristin Chenoweth

Andere auteurs: Ariana Grande (Voorwoord)

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513519,616 (3.72)Geen
Biography & Autobiography. Essays. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

Read by the author with audiobook-exclusive bonus commentary.

  • (How about some women, am I right?)
  • From television actress, Broadway star, and New York Times bestselling author Kristin Chenoweth comes I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts, a book featuring philosophical-ish musings on connection, creativity, loss, love, faith, and closure. Just like Kristin's grandmother inspired her to trust her heart and develop her own belief system, you'll be inspired to develop your own life philosophies, as you journey through some of Kristin's most vulnerable and humorous personal stories, in her constant pursuit to make the most out of life.

    In each chapter, you'll find behind-the-scenes stories from Kristin's personal life, engaging prompts, prayers, and inspiring quotes.

    Oh, and a warning: There will be Bible verses. There will be f-bombs. Read responsibly.

    I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts is the perfect book to pick up on days when you need an extra shot of encouragement, a little laughter, and a gentle reminder that kindness can take you a long way. This is perfect for fans of Kristin Chenoweth, known for her Emmy Awardâ??winning role in the ABC hit series Pushing Daisies and Broadway's Wicked.… (meer)

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    Toon 3 van 3
    I knew Kristin was big into her faith and christianity, but I somehow wasn't expecting quite so much scripture quoting... so thats on me. But I will say that I appreciate how she made significant note that she's not from the ONE faith or church or style... but to definitely consider the message and what it might mean to another. It was interesting getting a look into her life though. I appreciate the ways she brings up mental health and having healthy/good support structures and there were a few other nice nods in there too. ( )
      MiserableFlower | Apr 4, 2024 |
    3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Short and sweet, just like Kristin! ( )
      mrsgrits | Feb 8, 2024 |
    This was a great read! It was fast, easy and hilarious. So Kristin, too. I could easily picture her saying everything, and I seemed to be able to read it in her voice most of the time! Her thoughts are wonderful and great to live by. Many of her thoughts and "philosophies" are good things to live by. I highly recommend this book. It is fun to read and it leaves you feeling great about yourself! ( )
      BonnieKernene | Jan 17, 2023 |
    Toon 3 van 3
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    » Andere auteurs toevoegen

    AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
    Kristin Chenowethprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
    Grande, ArianaVoorwoordSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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    Biography & Autobiography. Essays. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

    Read by the author with audiobook-exclusive bonus commentary.

    (How about some women, am I right?)

    From television actress, Broadway star, and New York Times bestselling author Kristin Chenoweth comes I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts, a book featuring philosophical-ish musings on connection, creativity, loss, love, faith, and closure. Just like Kristin's grandmother inspired her to trust her heart and develop her own belief system, you'll be inspired to develop your own life philosophies, as you journey through some of Kristin's most vulnerable and humorous personal stories, in her constant pursuit to make the most out of life.

    In each chapter, you'll find behind-the-scenes stories from Kristin's personal life, engaging prompts, prayers, and inspiring quotes.

    Oh, and a warning: There will be Bible verses. There will be f-bombs. Read responsibly.

    I'm No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts is the perfect book to pick up on days when you need an extra shot of encouragement, a little laughter, and a gentle reminder that kindness can take you a long way. This is perfect for fans of Kristin Chenoweth, known for her Emmy Awardâ??winning role in the ABC hit series Pushing Daisies and Broadway's Wicked.

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