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Broken and Blue: Broken and Blue: A Policeman's Guide To Health, Hope, and Healing

door Scott Silverii

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117,918,895 (5)4
Broken and Blue: A Policeman's Guide to Health, Healing and Hope is the nation's leading resource for brothers in blue. Written by a cop, specifically for cops. After 25 years on the job, Chief of Police, Scott Silverii, PhD understands firsthand that danger, destruction and despair on the job leave many of America's finest broken. He's not only an expert in police culture, but has overcome a life of personal pain caused by the same ideals police uphold as noble and defining of the alpha warrior tribe."Seeking help doesn't make you weak. It makes you whole, so you return stronger and better prepared to fight."Police officer depression, PTSD, addiction, domestic abuse and suicide continue to torment those who place others above themselves. Cops deserve better self-care, so they can provide better public service.Broken and Blue was created to help officers understand what it means to live a life of freedom from the pain of a broken past. Chief Silverii leads America's Finest from a sacrificial life of service toward a renewed beginning based on health, healing, and hope.… (meer)
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I spent the better part of the year with this book, reading about one short chapter each week because each is so thought provoking. There are a few other books on the market focused on psychological and spiritual health for law enforcement, but I doubt any of them are as good as this one. Fair warning, Chief Silverii's strategies are firmly based in faith and spirituality - so, if that's not your cup of tea, then this isn't the book for you. But if you're open to faith as a tool for healing, you don't need law enforcement credentials to benefit. The singular thrust of the book is that current difficulties are likely a result of deeply rooted past trauma, whether in childhood or not. If not dealt with, the after effects of trauma linger and metastasize. This is a book I'll likely use again and again.

Highly Recommended!
5 bones!!!!! ( )
  blackdogbooks | Nov 27, 2022 |
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Broken and Blue: A Policeman's Guide to Health, Healing and Hope is the nation's leading resource for brothers in blue. Written by a cop, specifically for cops. After 25 years on the job, Chief of Police, Scott Silverii, PhD understands firsthand that danger, destruction and despair on the job leave many of America's finest broken. He's not only an expert in police culture, but has overcome a life of personal pain caused by the same ideals police uphold as noble and defining of the alpha warrior tribe."Seeking help doesn't make you weak. It makes you whole, so you return stronger and better prepared to fight."Police officer depression, PTSD, addiction, domestic abuse and suicide continue to torment those who place others above themselves. Cops deserve better self-care, so they can provide better public service.Broken and Blue was created to help officers understand what it means to live a life of freedom from the pain of a broken past. Chief Silverii leads America's Finest from a sacrificial life of service toward a renewed beginning based on health, healing, and hope.

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